General documentation needed for all problems with WebSphere MQ for z/OS - Middleware News Here is a list of the general documentation you might be asked to submit for a PMR: * Any hardcopy or softcopy illustrating the symptoms of the problem. * The dump of the problem, see Getting a dump. * The appropriate SYS1.LOGREC records, see SYS1.LOGREC information. * The system log. * A portion of the WebSphere® MQ for z/OS® job log. * Trace records, see Using trace for problem determination. * Trace information produced by the CICS® or IMS™ adapter, see The CICS adapter trace. * Buffer pool statistics, see the sections on using SMF and type 115 records in the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide. * Listings of relevant application programs. * A list of PTFs and APARs applied. Use the sample JCL below to produce a list of all the PTFs, APARs, user modifications and product code that has been installed in the global zone specified by SMPCSI: //SMPELIST EXEC PGM=GIMSMP,REGI...