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Showing posts from October, 2010

PCF reason codes - Middleware News

PCF reason codes Reason codes might be returned by a broker in response to a command message in PCF format, depending on the parameters used in that message. * 3001 (0BB9) (RC3001): MQRCCF_CFH_TYPE_ERROR * 3002 (0BBA) (RC3002): MQRCCF_CFH_LENGTH_ERROR * 3003 (0BBB) (RC3003): MQRCCF_CFH_VERSION_ERROR * 3004 (0BBC) (RC3004): MQRCCF_CFH_MSG_SEQ_NUMBER_ERR * 3005 (0BBD) (RC3005): MQRCCF_CFH_CONTROL_ERROR * 3006 (0BBE) (RC3006): MQRCCF_CFH_PARM_COUNT_ERROR * 3007 (0BBF) (RC3007): MQRCCF_CFH_COMMAND_ERROR * 3008 (0BC0) (RC3008): MQRCCF_COMMAND_FAILED * 3009 (0BC1) (RC3009): MQRCCF_CFIN_LENGTH_ERROR * 3010 (0BC2) (RC3010): MQRCCF_CFST_LENGTH_ERROR * 3011 (0BC3) (RC3011): MQRCCF_CFST_STRING_LENGTH_ERR * 3012 (0BC4) (RC3012): MQRCCF_FORCE_VALUE_ERROR * 3013 (0BC5) (RC3013): MQRCCF_STRUCTURE_TYPE_ERROR * 3014 (0BC6) (RC3014): MQRCCF_CFIN_PARM_ID_ERROR * 3015 (0BC7) (RC3015): MQRCCF_CFST_PARM_ID_ERROR * 3016 (0BC8) (RC3016): MQRCCF_MSG_LENGTH_ERROR * 3017 (0BC9) (RC3017): MQ...

General documentation needed for all problems with WebSphere MQ for z/OS - Middleware News

General documentation needed for all problems with WebSphere MQ for z/OS - Middleware News Here is a list of the general documentation you might be asked to submit for a PMR: * Any hardcopy or softcopy illustrating the symptoms of the problem. * The dump of the problem, see Getting a dump. * The appropriate SYS1.LOGREC records, see SYS1.LOGREC information. * The system log. * A portion of the WebSphere® MQ for z/OS® job log. * Trace records, see Using trace for problem determination. * Trace information produced by the CICS® or IMS™ adapter, see The CICS adapter trace. * Buffer pool statistics, see the sections on using SMF and type 115 records in the WebSphere MQ for z/OS System Setup Guide. * Listings of relevant application programs. * A list of PTFs and APARs applied. Use the sample JCL below to produce a list of all the PTFs, APARs, user modifications and product code that has been installed in the global zone specified by SMPCSI: //SMPELIST EXEC PGM=GIMSMP,REGI...

Channel Problem determination - When a channel refuses to run - Middleware news

Channel Problem determination - When a channel refuses to run - Middleware news When a channel refuses to run If a channel refuses to run: * Check that DQM and the channels have been set up correctly. This is a likely problem source if the channel has never run. Reasons could be: o A mismatch of names between sending and receiving channels (remember that uppercase and lowercase letters are significant) o Incorrect channel types specified o The sequence number queue (if applicable) is not available, or is damaged o The dead-letter queue is not available o The sequence number wrap value is different on the two channel definitions o A queue manager, CICS system, or communication link is not available o Following a restart, the wrong queue manager may have been attached to CICS o A receiver channel might be in STOPPED state o The connection might not be defined correctly o There might be a problem with the communications software (for example, is TCP running?) o In z...
