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Showing posts from January, 2012

Introduction to Web Services - Middleware News

Introduction to Web Services - Middleware News

What is "CHANGE MANAGEMENT"? - Middleware News

What is "CHANGE MANAGEMENT"? - Middleware News

Using WebSphere MQ Explorer as a read-only viewer - Middleware News

Using WebSphere MQ Explorer as a read-only viewer - Middleware News The WebSphere MQ Explorer GUI provides a user-friendly way to administer your queue managers. With a little work, you can use it as a read-only ‘viewer’ instead. If you have some staff who don’t have authority to make changes to the WMQ network, but need them to be able to monitor what is happening, this would let them use WMQ Explorer to do it. If your staff without authority to make changes are the ones with less WebSphere MQ experience, then this might be a useful approach. In this post I’ll walk through the steps required to set this up for a single queue manager, and highlight a couple of potential problems to watch out for. Steps to carry out on the machine hosting the queue manager Create a user – making sure that the user is not a member of the mqm group Start a channel listener for the queue manager Create a server-connection (SVRCONN) channel on the queue manager – setting the MCAUSER attribute t...

WebSphere MQ problems and workarounds - Middleware News

WebSphere MQ problems and workarounds - Middleware News You might encounter these WebSphere MQ problems, and use these workarounds: Problem: JMS message send errors occur with WebSphere global security enabled on AIX. An issue has been identified with the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) bundled with WebSphere Application Server Version 5.1.1 for AIX systems that causes socket errors on the network connection used to secure access to embedded messaging queues. This can cause JMS message sends to fail with an error similar to the following error in the WebSphere logs: MQJMS2008: failed to open MQ queue WQ_itim_wf The following error will also be present in the WebSphere jmsserver logs: MSGS0504E: An JMS Server security service thread experienced a socket exception: Socket closed Workaround: It is recommended that all Tivoli Identity Manager applications running on AIX systems should install WebSphere APAR PK07924, which corrects the issue in the JVM....

MQJE001: Completion Code '2', Reason '2495' when using WebSphere Application Server with WebSphere MQ - Middleware News

MQJE001: Completion Code '2', Reason '2495' when using WebSphere Application Server with WebSphere MQ - Middleware News Problem You are using WebSphere Application Server and you see the following errors in the SystemErr.log file: ... SystemErr R MQJE001: Completion Code '2', Reason '2495'. ... SystemErr R MQJE001: Completion Code '2', Reason '2495'. The MQ return code 2495 has the following short name: $ mqrc 2495 2495 0x000009bf MQRC_MODULE_NOT_FOUND You also see the following in the SystemOut.log file: ... FfdcProvider I logIncident FFDC1003I: FFDC Incident emitted on /usr/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01/logs/ffdc/server1_6880688_09.10.19_04.52.57.1421628786892879991737.txt 571 [10/19/09 4:52:57:283 EDT] 00000000 JMSRegistrati E WMSG1603E: An internal error occurred. It was not possible to...

ITIL - A Simple Explanation - Middleware News

ITIL - A Simple Explanation - Middleware News

WebSphere MQ Advanced Message Security - Middleware News

WebSphere MQ Advanced Message Security - Middleware News

WebSphere MQ Telemetry - Middleware News

WebSphere MQ Telemetry - Middleware News

Setting up the WebSphere MQ cluster - Middleware News

Setting up the WebSphere MQ cluster - Middleware News After you have created a message queue on each server, work on the Initial server to create the cluster. About this task Set up the IBM® WebSphere® MQ cluster by completing the following tasks in the sequence shown: Creating the WebSphere MQ cluster on the Initial server On the cluster's Initial server, use WebSphere MQ Explorer to define the cluster by naming it, specifying the queue managers that belong to the cluster, and then connecting them to the Initial server. Creating the configuration manager on the Initial server After you create the WebSphere MQ cluster, create a Configuration Manager that will control all of the event brokers after you gather them into a collective in a later task. Creating a broker on the Initial server Use the IBM Message Broker Command Console to create a message broker on the Initial server in your IBM WebSphere MQ cluster. Enabling broker security on the Initial server Sta...
