The MQCSP structure enables the authorization service to authenticate a user ID and password from the client. We can specify the MQCSP connection security parameters structure on an MQCONNX call. Prior to Websphere MQ version 8 the passwords from client to the queue manager were sent across the network in plain text if SSL/TLS encryption is not used which is insecure. MQ version 8 provides options to send passwords that are included in the MQCSP structure protected by using websphere MQ functionality or by using SSL/TLS encryption. This password protection mechanism is applicable to MQ version 8 queue managers, MQI C clients, java & JMS clients and .NET clients. Password protection is used when all of the following conditions are met: -Both ends of the connection are using WebSphere MQ version 8.0. -The channel is not using SSL/TLS encryption. -If the client is WebSphere MQ Explorer and user identification compatibility mode is not enabled, which is not the default...