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Showing posts from November, 2014

How to install IBM WebSphere MQ 8 on Linux - Middleware News

Download IBM WebSphere MQ from following link Select WebSphere MQ V8.0 from list and click on Continue Select the license agreement and confirm Select WebSphere MQ V8.0 Trial for Linux on X86 from the list and click on It may take few minutes to download depending on your internet speed.  Once downloaded, you should see following file [root@localhost Downloads]# ls -ltr total 0 -rw-r-----. 1 chandan chandan 0 Aug 31 09:49 WS_MQ_V8.0_TRIAL_LNX_ON_X86_64_ML.tar.gz [root@localhost Downloads]# Let's gunzip the file now. Once done, you should see tar file as following. [root@localhost Downloads]# gunzip WS_MQ_V8.0_TRIAL_LNX_ON_X86_64_ML.tar.gz [root@localhost Downloads]# ls -ltr total 482608 -rw-r-----. 1 chandan chandan 431800320 Aug 31 08:37 WS_MQ_V8.0_TRIAL_LNX_ON_X86_64_ML.tar [root@localhost Downloads]# Extract the tar file by using tar -xvf command and you should see following files extracted. [root@localhost READMES]# tar -xvf WS_MQ_V8.0_TRIAL_...

IBM Websphere MQ : Identifying Windows 32-bit and 64-bit systems - Middleware News

How to determine whether a Windows system is 32-bit or 64-bit. Cause The IBM MQ V8.0 server is a 64-bit product and cannot be installed on 32-bit Windows systems. Resolving the problem Open a Windows Command Prompt and use one of the following two methods to determine whether the Windows installation is 32-bit or 64-bit. The first uses the Windows Management Instrumentation Command interface: Check Windows using WMIC C:\> WMIC OS GET OSArchitecture OSArchitecture 64-bit The second option examines the output of the systeminfo command to identify the system as 32-bit ("X86-based PC") or as 64-bit ("x64-based PC"). This command might take a minute or two to complete: Check Windows using systeminfo C:\> SYSTEMINFO | FIND /I "System Type" System Type: x64-based PC IBM MQ V8.0 server cannot be installed on 32-bit Windows systems, but WebSphere MQ V7.5 and WebSphere MQ V7.1 servers can be installed on...

IBM Websphere MQ : Diagnostic improvements to MQ SSL/TLS error AMQ9633 - Middleware News

From MQ onwards, the dreaded AMQ9633 "bad certificate" error message was enhanced with some additional information to help you understand which certificate was rejected and why. This is the most common error seen for SSL/TLS handshake errors and so we'd like to explain how to use the new information to understand the cause of the error. Example AMQ9633 error Below is an example of the new style of message with the new section highlighted in bold text, taken from a queue manager error log: 23/10/2014 08:31:41 - Process(1234.2) User(Fred) Prog ram( amqr mppa .exe )                            Host (hos tnam e.ex ampl m) Inst alla tion (Ins tall atio n1)                            VRMF( QMgr(QMGR1)        ...

IBM Websphere MQ - mqclient.ini CHANNELS stanza of the client configuration file - Middleware News

Use the CHANNELS stanza to specify information about client channels. The following attributes can be included in the CHANNELS stanza: CCSID = number The coded character set number to be used. The CCSID number is equivalent to the MQCCSID environment parameter. ChannelDefinitionDirectory = path The directory path to the file containing the client channel definition table. On Windows systems, the default is the WebSphere® MQ installation directory, typically C:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ . On UNIX and Linux systems, the default is /var/mqm . The ChannelDefinitionDirectory path is equivalent to the MQCHLLIB environment parameter. ChannelDefinitionFile = filename | AMQCLCHL.TAB The name of the file containing the client channel definition table. The client channel definition table is equivalent to the MQCHLTAB environment parameter. ReconDelay = (delay[,rand]) (delay[,rand])... The ReconDelay attribute provides an administrative option to configure reco...

IBM Websphere MQ mqclient.ini - One place for all your client configuration - Middleware News

The mqclient.ini file allows you to gather together all your client configuration into one file, easier to deploy, keep a backup of, and replace when changes are required, rather than a random selection of environment variables. A great idea. Environment Variable mqclient.ini stanza mqclient.ini value Description MQCCSID CHANNELS CCSID The coded character set number to be used MQCHLLIB CHANNELS Chan nelD efin itio nDir ecto r y The directory path to the file containing the CCDT MQCHLTAB CHANNELS Chan nelD efin itio nFil e The name of the file containing the CCDT MQSERVER CHANNELS Serv erCo nnec tion Parm s The location of the MQ server and the communication method to be used MQCERTLABL SSL CertificateLabel Defines the certificate label MQCERTVPOL SSL Cert ific ateV alPo lic y Determines the type of certificate validation used MQSSLCRYP SSL ...
