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Showing posts from June, 2016

IBM Websphere MQ V9 AMS Functional overview - Middleware News

IBM Websphere MQ V9 Overview - Middleware News

IBM MQ V9.0 release types - Middleware News

From IBM MQ Version 9.0 there are two types of release; a Long Term Support Release (LTSR) and Continuous Delivery Release (CDR). The aim of the two release types is to meet the requirement for delivery of new and enhanced IBM MQ functions as rapidly as possible in the next CDR, while at the same time maintaining a stable long term support release for systems that need a long term deployment of IBM MQ , and for customers who prefer this traditional option. The release model Externally, for IBM MQ , the two release types are distinguishable by the modification number in the version.release.modification ( v.r.m ) release identifier. IBM MQ Version 9.0 .0 has a zero modification number and is designated as LTSR. Continuous Delivery releases will have a non-zero modification number, for example, 9.0.1, 9.0.2, and so on. LTS Releases are updated by fixpacks or PTFs, which provide defect fixes and security updates in a predictable fashion. This process matches the way ser

What's new in IBM MQ Version 9.0 - Middleware News

IBM MQ Version 9.0 introduces a new continuous delivery and support model. IBM MQ Version 9.0.0 , which is the initial release under this new model, delivers a number of new and enhanced capabilities. New delivery and support model IBM MQ Version 9.0 introduces a new delivery and support model for IBM MQ . From Version 9.0 two release types will be made available; the Long Term Support Release (LTSR) and Continuous Delivery Release (CDR). The Long Term Support Release is a recommended product level for which support, including defect and security updates, will be provided over a specified period of time. This version is intended for systems which demand a long term deployment and maximum stability. Continuous Delivery Releases will deliver new functional enhancements, in addition to fixes and security updates, on a much shorter cadence, so providing much more rapid access to those new functions. This version is intended for systems where applications want to exploit the
