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Z OS TCP / IP Commands Quick Reference - Middleware News

TCP/IP Commands Quick Reference - Middleware News

TCP/IP Commands for TSO/E

Note: The following TCP/IP commands should be done from the
TSO command panel or the READY prompt.
Note: hostname may be the IP address of the host, or the host
name of the host.
• FTP hostname {port} - Connect to remote host to get/put files. Defaults to port 21.
• HOMETEST - Validate TCP/IP configuration.
• NETSTAT option {TCP procname} - Display network status of local host. Use ? for list of options.
• NETSTAT ALLCON|CONN - Display port connections for the TCP/IP stack.
• NETSTAT ARP ALL|ipaddress - Display ARP cache for the TCP/IP stack.
• NETSTAT DEV - Display the status of the device(s) and link(s) for the TCP/IP stack.
• NETSTAT GATE|ROUTE - Display routing information for the TCP/IP stack. (Different views)
• NETSTAT HOME - Display IP address(es) for the stack.
• PING hostname - Sends an echo request to a host name or address to determine if the computer is accessible. Use ? for list of options.
• TELNET hostname {port} - Log on to remote host. By default, port 23 is used. Use ? for list of options.
• TRACERTE hostname - Trace hops from this host to destination host. Use ? for list of options.

z/OS Console Commands for TCP/IP

Note: If multiple stacks are running, you must identify the stack in
the procname field.

• D TCPIP - list names and status of TCP/IP stacks.
• D TCPIP,{procname},HELP - display list of TCP/IP display options.
• D TCPIP,{procname},Netstat,ALLCONN|CONN - display socket information for the TCP/IP stack.
• D TCPIP,{procname},Netstat,ARP - display contents of ARP cache for the TCP/IP stack.
• D TCPIP,{procname},Netstat,DEVlinks - display Device and link status for the TCP/IP stack.
• D TCPIP,{procname},Netstat,HOME - display the IP address(es) for the TCP/IP stack.
• D TCPIP,{procname},Netstat,ROUTE - display the routing table for the TCP/IP stack.
• V TCPIP,{procname},HELP - display list of TCP/IP vary options.
• V TCPIP,{procname},PURGECACHE,linkname - purge ARP cache for the specified adapter (linkname from NETSTAT,DEVLINKS).
• V TCPIP,{procname},START|STOP,devname - Start or stop the device name identified in NETSTAT DEV output.
• V TCPIP,{procname},Telnet,xxxx - performs specified function for TELNET.
o ACT|INACT,luname - Enables|disables lu as VTAM session candidate
o QUIESCE - Blocks new connections.
o RESUME - Ends QUIESCEd state.
o STOP - Ends telnet connections and closes port.

Related z/OS Console Commands

• D IOS,MIH,DEV=dddd - MIH value for device
o Note: The value for "c's and d's" in the following Display Matrix (D M) command is optional, but if included, must be in parentheses ().
• D M=CHP{(cc)}|DEV{(dddd)} - Status of CHPID cc, or summary of all CHPIDs if (cc) is not provided. Display CHPIDs/device status or summary of CHPID status of all devices if (dddd) is not provided.
• D U,,ALLOC|OFFLINE|ONLINE - Display information for all devices by selected status.
• D U,,,dddd{,nnn} - Display status of devices starting at device dddd for nnn number of devices (default 16).
• SETIOS MIH,DEV=ddd,TIME=mm:ss - set MIH time for specified device.
• V dddd|dddd-dddd,OFFLINE|ONLINE - vary device(s) offline or online.
• CF CHP(cc),ONline|OFFline - Configure online/offline CHPID cc to MVS & hardware.

z/VM Operator Commands

Note: Requires class B authority to issue the following commands.
• Q MITIME - Display MIH times for devices.
• Q OSA ACTIVE|ALL - display status of OSA devices.
• Q rdev|rdev-rdev - Display status of real device(s).
• Q PATHS rdev|rdev-rdev - Display path status to real device(s) (PIM, PAM, LPM).
• Q CHPID cc - Display real CHPID status.
• VARY OFF|ON rdev|rdev-rdev - vary device(s) off or online
• VARY OFF|ON PATH cc FROM|TO rdev|rdev-rdev change the status of a path to device(s).
• VARY OFF|ON CHPID cc - configure a CHPID off or on to both hardware and software.

z/VM TCP/IP Commands

Note: Your CMS userid must be linked to the TCPMAINT 592
minidisk to execute the following commands.
Note: hostname may be the IP address of the host, or the host
name of the host.

• FTP hostname {port} - Connect to remote host to get/put files. Defaults to port 21. Enter FTP ? for list of options.
• HOMETEST - Validate TCP/IP configuration.
• IFCONFIG - display network interfaces.
• IFCONFIG interface UP|DOWN - Start or stop the specified network interface.
• NETSTAT option - Display network status of local host. Use ? for list of options.
• NETSTAT ALLCON|CONN - Display all port connections for the TCP/IP stack.
• NETSTAT ARP *|ipaddress - Display ARP cache for the TCP/IP stack.
• NETSTAT DEV - Display the status of the device(s) and link(s) for the TCP/IP stack.
• NETSTAT GATE - Display TCP/IP routing information.
• NETSTAT HOME - Display IP address(es) in TCP/IP stack.
• NETSTAT OBEY START|STOP devname - Start or stop the device name identified in NETSTAT DEV output.
• PING hostname - Sends an echo request to a host name or address to determine if the computer is accessible. Use ? for list of options.
• TELNET hostname {port} - Log on to remote host. By default, port 23 is used. Use ? for list of options.
• TRACERTE hostname - Trace hops from this host to destination host. Use ? for list of options.

VTAM Commands

VTAM commands related to OSA cards.
• D NET,ID=name - display network named in ID field
Additional parameters that may be added:
o ,E - Gives extended information about the node.
• D NET,MAJNODES|APPLS - Shows status of all active major nodes or applications.
• D NET,PENDING - Lists nodes in pending states.
• D NET,TRL - display list of TRLEs.
• D NET,TRL,TRLE=trlename - display status of specific TRLE. (Use this command to display the devices assigned to a QDIO (or MPC) OSA-Express resource.)
• V NET,ACT,ID=ISTTRL,UPDATE=ALL - Deletes all inactive TRLEs.
• V NET,ACT,ID=name - Activates the VTAM resource identified by the name.
• V NET,INACT,ID=name - Inactivates the VTAM resource identified by the name.
o ,F | I | U - Deactivate FORCE, IMMEDIATE, or UNCONDITIONAL (if normal inact fails).

TCP/IP Commands for Windows

• Commands should work for Windows 95, 98, NT, & 2000 1.
• Commands must be done from a command prompt window.
• The commands are listed in upper case for presentation only. They should be entered in lower case.
• Note: hostname may be the IP address of the host, or the host name of the host.
• ARP -A - Display ARP cache. Use -? for options.
• FTP hostname - Connect to remote host to get/put files.
o Defaults to port 21. Use -? for list of options.
o Note: The output of the NETSTAT command may roll through your window. To prevent this, add |more to the end of the netstat command. (Or direct the output to a file by adding >filename.TXT to the end of the NETSTAT command.)
• NETSTAT -? - Display a list of options.
• NETSTAT -A - Display host socket information.
• NETSTAT -E - Display host Ethernet statistics.
• NETSTAT -N - Display host addresses and ports numerically.
• NETSTAT -P TCP|UDP|IP - Display connection information for the selected protocol.
• NETSTAT -R - Display host routes.
• NETSTAT -S - Display host statistics.
• PING hostname - Sends an echo request to a host name or address to determine if the computer is accessible. Use -? for list of options.
• TELNET hostname {port} - Log on to remote host. By default, port 23 is used. Use -? for list of options.
• TRACERT hostname - Trace hops from this host to destination host. Use -? for list of options.

TCP/IP Commands for Linux

The commands are listed in upper case for presentation only. They should be entered in lower case.
• ARP - Display ARP cache. Use -? for options.
• DMESG |MORE - Display complete information about the Linux environment including network devices. ( |MORE keeps output from scrolling.) ( > filename to send to a file.)
• FTP hostname|ipaddress - Connect to remote host to get/put files. Defaults to port 21. Use -? for options.
• IFCONFIG - display network interfaces (like LO,EN0,TR0)
• IFCONFIG interface UP|DOWN - Start or stop the selected network interface(EN0,TR0, etc).
For the following NETSTAT commands,
o adding N to the option will display numerical output.
o adding V will display verbose.
• NETSTAT -A - Display all sockets.
• NETSTAT -I - Display interface table.
• NETSTAT -R - Display host routes.
• PING hostname|ipaddress - Sends an echo request to a host to determine if the computer is accessible. Use -? for options.
• ROUTE - Displays IP routing table.
• TELNET hostname|ipaddress {port} - Log on to remote host.
By default, port 23 is used. Use -? for options.
• TRACEROUTE hostname|ipaddress - Trace hops from this host to destination host. Use -? for list of options.

FTP Subcommands

• ascii - ASCII transfer of text files.
• binary - BINARY transfer of binary files.
• cd remote-directory - Change directory on remote host.
• close - Ends the FTP session. After close, OPEN a new connection or QUIT from FTP.
• delete filename - Delete the file from remote host.
• dir {file destination} - Gives full directory listing on remote host. file - file to be listed. destination - where to put listing. Both file and destination are optional.
• get filename {localfilename} - Get a file from remote host.
• hash - Display a hash sign (#) every time a block of data is transferred. (Useful for large transfers.)
• help {command} - Displays a description of the command. If a command is not specified, a list of commands is displayed.
• lcd directory - Change directory on your local machine.
• ls {file destination} - Like dir, but less information.
• mget file-list - Get multiple files from remote machine.
• mput file-list - Put multiple files to remote machine.
• open machine-name - Connect to named machine (IP or host name). Old connection must be CLOSEd first.
• prompt - Turn prompting off/on for mget and mput.
• put filename {remotefilename} - Put a file onto remote host.
• pwd - Present Working Directory on remote host.
• quit | bye - exits FTP.



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