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IBM Websphere MQ Channel Long-Term History attributes - Middleware News

IBM Websphere MQ Channel Long-Term History attributes - Middleware News

Use the Channel Long-Term History attributes to detect channel performance problems. This attribute group provides channel performance information for each monitored channel within a queue manager. These attributes are informational only; they cannot be used to create situations.

Batches Complete The number of logical units of work (LUWs) that this channel has processed after it is initialized. This attribute is not available for CICS® channels. Valid format is an integer.

Buffers Received The total number of buffers that are received during the current interval or aggregation period. Valid format is an integer.

Buffers Sent The total number of buffers that are sent during the current interval or aggregation period. Valid format is an integer.

Bytes Received The total number of bytes that are received during the current interval or aggregation period. Valid format is an integer.

Bytes Sent The total number of bytes that are sent during the current interval or aggregation period. Valid format is an integer.

Channel Name The name of this channel. Valid format is an alphanumeric string of up to 20 case-sensitive characters.

Channel Status The current operational status of the channel. "n/a" means the channel is not currently active (thus no short-term history data is available) but was active in the recent past (thus long-term history data is available).

For CICS channels, status is either In-Doubt or the CICS status (Conn_Not_Def, Out_Service, Going_Out, Released, Obtaining, Acquired, Freeing, or Available).

Valid values are as follows:

n/a = 0,
Binding = 1,
Starting = 2,
Running = 3,
Stopping = 4,
Retrying = 5,
Stopped = 6,
Requesting = 7,
Paused = 8,
Initializing = 13,
Inactive = 101,
Conn_Not_Def = 200,
Out_Service = 201,
Going_Out = 202,
Released = 203,
Obtaining = 204,
Acquired = 205,
Freeing = 206,
Available = 207,
Unknown = 255.

Channel Type The type that is assigned to the channel (SDR for sender, SVR for server, RCVR for receiver, RQSTR for requester, CLNTCONN for client connection, SVRCONN for server connection, CLUSRCVR for cluster receiver, or CLUSSDR for cluster sender) when it is created. Valid values are as follows:

n/a = 0,
SDR = 1,
SVR = 2,
RCVR = 3,
RQSTR = 4,

Connection Name The name of the physical or logical connection that this channel uses to transmit or receive data. This name is formed from the connection type (IP for TCP/IP, LU for LU6.2, or NETBIOS) and the connection address. Valid format is an alphanumeric string of up to 264 case-sensitive characters. If multiple connections are configured for the channel, this attribute is displayed as a comma separated list of system names.

CurBatch LUW ID The identifier that is assigned to the current logical unit of work (LUW). If a sender channel is in doubt, this is the problem batch. This attribute is not available for CICS channels. Valid format is an alphanumeric string of up to 16 case-sensitive characters.

CurBatch Messages The number of messages that are processed for the current logical unit of work (LUW). If a sender channel is in doubt, this is the number of messages that are currently in doubt. This attribute is not available for CICS channels. Valid format is an integer.

CurMsg SeqNo The number of the last message that is sent for the logical unit of work (LUW) that the in-doubt channel is currently processing. This attributes is not available for CICS channels. Valid format is an integer.

Cur Defn Indicates whether the queue or channel is currently defined on the monitored queue manager. Valid values are No = 0 and Yes = 1.

Current Action State The current action that is being performed by the channel. Valid values are as follows:

n/a = -1,
Other = 0,
End_Of_Batch = 100,
Sending = 200,
Receiving = 300,
Serializing = 400,
Resynching = 500,
Heartbeating = 600,
Security_exit = 700,
Receive_exit = 800,
Sending_exit = 900,
Message_exit = 1000,
Retry_exit = 1100,
Channel_definition_exit = 1200,
Net_connection = 1250,
SSL_hand_shaking = 1300,
Name_server = 1400,
MQPut = 1500,
MQGet = 1600,
MQI_Call = 1700,
Compressing = 1800.
Default Header Compression The default techniques for header data compression that are supported by the channel. Valid values are as follows:
n/a = -1,
None = 0,
Run_Length_Encoding_Compression = 1,
ZLIB_Encoding_Speed_Compression = 2,
ZLIB_Encoding_High_Compression = 4,
System = 8,
Any = 268435455.
Default Message Compression The default techniques for message data compression that are supported by the channel. Valid values are as follows:
n/a = -1,
None = 0,
Run_Length_Encoding_Compression = 1,
ZLIB_Encoding_Speed_Compression = 2,
ZLIB_Encoding_High_Compression = 4,
System = 8,
Any = 268435455.

Host Name The name of the system on which this queue manager is running. On z/OS® systems, this is the SMF ID. Valid format is an alphanumeric string of up to 48 case-sensitive characters.

In-Doubt Status Indicates whether this channel is in doubt. Valid values are No = 0, Yes = 1, and n/a = 255. A channel is considered in doubt when a logical unit of work (LUW) has been sent and the channel is waiting for an acknowledgment that the LUW has been successfully received.

Interval Length The interval time over which statistics were taken. Valid format is a character string in the form MMM:SS where M = Minute, S = Second.

Interval Time The size of the current sampling interval, in hundredths of seconds. For example, .50 is half a second. This value is determined by the control parameters that are set when configuring the WebSphere® MQ Monitoring agent; it is usually specified as 60.00 (60 seconds). Valid format is a decimal (formatted to 2 decimal places).

Last Header Compression The last techniques for header data compression that are supported by the channel. Valid values are as follows:
n/a = -1,
None = 0,
Run_Length_Encoding_Compression = 1,
ZLIB_Encoding_Speed_Compression = 2,
ZLIB_Encoding_High_Compression = 4,
System = 8,
Any = 268435455.
Last Message Compression The last techniques for message data compression that are supported by the channel. Valid values are as follows:
n/a = -1,
None = 0,
Run_Length_Encoding_Compression = 1,
ZLIB_Encoding_Speed_Compression = 2,
ZLIB_Encoding_High_Compression = 4,
System = 8,
Any = 268435455.

Last Send Date & Time The date and time that the last message is sent to the current channel/connection name combination. This attribute is not available for CICS channels. Standard 16-character date/time format (CYYMMDDHHMMSSmmm), where:


Century (0 for 20th, 1 for 21st)















Local Address The local communications address for the channel. The value returned depends on the TRPRYPE value of the channel (currently only TCP/IP is supported). Valid format is an alphanumeric string of up to 48 case-sensitive characters.

Long Term Batch Size The long-term number of messages in a batch. Valid format is an integer.

Long Term Compression Rate Long-term compression rate that is achieved to the nearest percentage. Valid format is a floating point number with a range from -1 - 100.

Long Term Compression Time Long-term amount of time per message, in microseconds, spent during compression or decompression. Valid format is an integer.

Long Term Exit Time Long term of the time that is taken executing user exits per message. Valid format is an integer.

Long Term Net Time Long term time of a network operation. The amount of time, in microseconds, to send a request to the remote end of the channel and receive a response. Valid format is an integer.

Long Term XmitQ Time The long-term transmission queue time. The time, in microseconds, that messages remain on the transmission queue before being retrieved. The time is measured from when the message is put onto the transmission queue until it is retrieved to be sent on the channel and, therefore, includes any interval that is caused by a delay in the putting applications. Valid format is an integer.

LUW Last Committed The identifier of the last-committed logical unit of work (LUW). Valid format is an alphanumeric string of up to 16 case-sensitive characters.

MCA Job Name (non z/OS systems only) The MCA job name string that is associated with a channel that uniquely identifies that channel. This name is provided to differentiate (along with Connection Name) between multiple active channel connections that can be defined to the same queue manager. Valid format is an alphanumeric string of up to 28 case-sensitive characters.

MCA Status The status of the message channel agent. Valid values are Stopped = 0, Running = 3.

Message Count The number of messages that are sent or received on this channel during the current interval or aggregation period. For the Interval Summary row in the Recent Channel report, this count is the sum of all the message counts in the subsequent rows. This attribute is not available for CICS channels. Valid format is an integer.

Origin Node The WebSphere MQ Monitoring agent-assigned name of the node on which the data for the queue manager originates.

On z/OS systems, this name takes the form qmgr:smfid:MQESA, where qmgr is the name of the queue manager and smfid is the z/OS system ID or SMF ID.

On distributed systems, this name takes the form qmgr::MQ. If the host ID value is specified by the SET AGENT command, this name takes the form qmgr:hostid:MQ. Valid format is an alphanumeric string of up to 128 case-sensitive characters.

QMgr Name The name that is assigned to this queue manager. Valid format is an alphanumeric string of up to 48 case-sensitive characters.

Remote Partner Application Name The name of the client application at the remote end of the channel. This parameter applies only to server-connection channels. Valid format is an alphanumeric string of up to 48 characters.

Remote Qmgr Name The name that is assigned to the queue manager or queue sharing group of the remote system. This parameter does not apply to server-connection channels, where no values are returned. Valid format is an alphanumeric string of up to 48 case-sensitive characters.

Sample Date & Time The date and time of the sample. Standard 16-character date/time format (CYYMMDDHHMMSSmmm), where:


Century (0 for 20th, 1 for 21st)















SeqNo Last Committed The number of the last-committed message within the last-committed logical unit of work (LUW). Valid format is an integer.

Short Retries The number of short retry intervals that are completed after the channel goes into retry state because of a connection failure. The maximum number of short retries is defined during channel definition using the SHORTRTY keyword. The time interval in seconds for short retries is defined during channel definition using the SHORTTMR keyword.

If the channel continually fails to connect after reaching the maximum number of short retry attempts, the WebSphere MQ Monitoring agent attempts long retries using the longer interval defined. If this value is non-zero while the channel is not currently retrying, it gives the most recent retry information that is being returned as the current channel status by WebSphere MQ.

This value is not available for CICS channels. Valid format is an integer.

Short Term Batch Size The short-term number of messages in a batch. Valid format is an integer.

Short Term Compression Rate Short-term compression rate that is achieved to the nearest percentage. Valid format is a floating point number with a range from -1 - 100.

Short Term Compression Time Short-term amount of time per message, in microseconds, spent during compression or decompression. Valid format is an integer.

Short Term Exit Time Short-term of the time that is taken executing user exits per message. Valid format is an integer.

Short Term Net Time Short-term time of a network operation. The amount of time (in microseconds) to send a request to the remote end of the channel and receive a response. Valid format is an integer.

Short Term XmitQ Time Short-term transmission queue time. The time, in microseconds, that messages remain on the transmission queue before being retrieved. The time is measured from when the message is put onto the transmission queue until it is retrieved to be sent on the channel and, therefore, includes any interval that is caused by a delay in the putting applications. Valid format is an integer.

SSL Key Count The number of successful SSL secret key resets that occurred for this channel instance since the channel starts. Valid format is an integer.

SSL Key Date & Time The date and time of the previous successful SSL secret key reset. Standard 16-character date/time format (CYYMMDDHHMMSSmmm), where:


Century (0 for 20th, 1 for 21st)















Start Date & Time The start date and time of the sample. Standard 16-character date/time format (CYYMMDDHHMMSSmmm), where:


Century (0 for 20th, 1 for 21st)















Transmit KB/Sec The transmission rate (in kilobytes per second) over the latest interval. This attribute is not available for CICS channels. Valid format is a decimal (formatted to 2 decimal places).

XmitQ Depth The number of messages on the transmission queue that are associated with this channel. Valid format is an integer.

The following attributes are available for WebSphere MQ version 6.0 and later only.

XmitQ Messages Available The number of messages that are available. Valid format is an integer.

User Stop Request Indicates whether user stop request is outstanding. Valid values are n/a = -1, Stop_Not_Requested = 0, Stop_Requested = 1.



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