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WebSphere MQ error logs - Middleware News

WebSphere MQ error logs - Middleware News

Directions to find WebSphere MQ and MQSeries error logs.

Note: The MQ error logs are by default located in the following directories, however it may have been changed at install time:

Resolving the problem

The messages that are recorded in the error logs and job logs are the most important information that you can provide when reporting an MQ problem.
Select one of the following platforms to find the location of the MQ error logs:

UNIX and Linux


The WebSphere MQ for HP NSS error logs are located in the following directories:


The error log files are named; AMQERR01.LOG, AMQERR02.LOG and AMQERR03.LOG.

If the queue manager name is not known then the error message is written to an error log file in the errors subdirectory. For example, if the default prefix is /usr/ibm/wmq/GA/var/mqm, the error message is written to an error log file in the directory /usr/ibm/wmq/GA/var/mqm/errors
If the queue manager name is known, then the error message is written to an error log file in the queue manager’s errors directory.


The WebSphere MQ for i5/OS error logs are located in the following directories:


The error log files are named; AMQERR01.LOG, AMQERR02.LOG and AMQERR03.LOG.


The WebSphere MQ HP OpenVMS error logs are located in the following directories:

- The error log files are named; AMQERR01.LOG, AMQERR02.LOG and AMQERR03.LOG.



If an error has occurred with a client application: MQS_ROOT:[MQM.ERRORS]AMQERR01.LOG
If the queue manager name is known and the queue manager is available: MQS_ROOT:[MQM.QMGRS.QMgrName.ERRORS]AMQERR01.LOG
If the queue manager is not available: MQS_ROOT:[MQM.QMGRS.$SYSTEM.ERRORS]AMQERR01.LOG

UNIX and Linux

The WebSphere MQ for UNIX error logs are located in the following directories:

/var/mqm/qmgrs/@SYSTEM/errors (not used at V6 and higher)

The error log files are named; AMQERR01.LOG, AMQERR02.LOG and AMQERR03.LOG.
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MQSeries uses the SYSTEM.LOG queue defined in the global system definition as its primary message log and additional informational messages are output to the VSE console. Typically, these detail starting, stopping, and initializing MQSeries for VSE If the SYSTEM.LOG queue is unavailable, the messages are directed to the CICS CSMT log.

These messages should always be reviewed carefully for any error messages. The type of messages included in the SYSTEM.LOG queue can now be controlled by using the ’Log and Trace Settings’.

Refer to the MQSeries for VSE System Management Guide, “Queue Manager Log and Trace Settings” on page 74 for details. Note that the types of messages put to the SYSTEM.LOG queue can be controlled
using the LOG SETTINGS. When trying to resolve problems, ensure that all messages of all severity are
selected to be logged. You can view the contents of the system log using the Master Terminal transaction (MQMT) option 4 (Browse Queue Records).


The WebSphere MQ for Windows error logs are located in the following directories. This is the default directory path, however it may have been changed at install time:

c:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ\errors
c:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ\qmgrs\\errors
c:\Program Files\IBM\WebSphere MQ\qmgrs\@SYSTEM\errors (not used at V6 and higher)

The error log files are named; AMQERR01.LOG, AMQERR02.LOG and AMQERR03.LOG.


The WebSphere MQ for OS/390 and z/OS job logs are located in the following:

MSTR job log
CHIN job log

The job logs are named; xxxxMSTR, and xxxxCHIN. Where xxxx is the WMQ subsystem identifier (ssid).



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