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What's new in IBM Websphere Message Broker Version 8.0?

What's new in IBM Websphere Message Broker Version 8.0?

Learn about the main new functions in IBM® WebSphere® Message Broker Version 8.0.

Application development enhancements
Deployment and administration enhancements
Improved graphical mapping
Improved message modeling
Record and replay
Support for .NET
Web services enhancements
Universal connectivity for SOA
Platforms and environments

Application development enhancements

In Version 8.0, application development has been simplified.

Applications and libraries
Applications and libraries introduce a new way of creating and managing resources when you are developing and deploying applications, and during operational management.

For further information, see Applications and libraries.

Message Broker API for developing message flow applications
Use the Message Broker API to write Java programs that create or modify message flows. You do not need to install the WebSphere Message Broker Toolkit to run programs that use the Message Broker API.

For further information, see Developing message flow applications by using the Message Broker Java API.

User-defined pattern enhancements
Create projects in your user-defined patterns in which pattern users can create customizations that are not overwritten when a pattern instance is regenerated. For further information, see Configuring a project used in a user-defined pattern.

Create table parameter types for your user-defined patterns. For further information, see Using tables for pattern parameters.

Deployment and administration enhancements

Additional features provide better information and control of operations.

Resource statistics for JMS
View the JMS statistics to view the number of JMS connections used and messages processed by nodes using JMS transport. For more information, see Resource statistics.

Activity Logs
Use the new Activity logs to get an overview of recent activities in your message flows and associated external resources.

For further information, see Using Activity logs.

Deploying flows and applications in stopped state
You can specify how a message flow or application is started after it is deployed, or after the broker, execution group, or containing application is restarted. You can choose to start an application or flow manually, or for it to be started automatically. You can also choose to maintain the existing state of an application or library.

For further information, see Configuring the start mode of flows and applications at development time.

Deployable subflows
Create subflows that you can deploy to a broker as individual resources. Use the deployable subflow in more than one message flow application so that when you change the subflow and redeploy it, all your message flow applications use the updated subflow.

For further information, see Subflows.

Deployable ESQL

Create ESQL files that you can deploy to a broker as individual resources. Use the code from the deployed ESQL file in more than one message flow application so that when you change the ESQL file and redeploy it, all your message flow applications that reference the ESQL code are updated.

For further information, see Deploying an ESQL file.

Improved graphical mapping

The improved graphical mapping is high-performing, scalable, and dynamic.

Graphical data maps enable you to create transformations that take an input message assembly and build a required output message assembly. For further information, see Using graphical data maps.
Improved message modeling

DFDL support

New DFDL message modeling support

The Data Format Description Language (DFDL) support in WebSphere Message Broker Version 8.0 provides the ability to model the structure of general text and binary formatted messages in a way that is independent of the message format.

For further information, see Data Format Description Language (DFDL).
New DFDL schema editor

The DFDL schema editor can be used to create, edit, and test DFDL message models within the WebSphere Message Broker Toolkit.

For further information, see DFDL schema editor.
New DFDL domain

The DFDL domain can be used to parse and write a wide variety of message formats that have a DFDL message model, and is primarily intended for non-XML message formats.

For further information, see DFDL parser and domain.

Record and replay

For audit purposes or problem determination, you might want to keep a record of messages that pass through a message flow. You can record those messages in a database, then view them. For more information, see Recording and viewing messages.
Support for .NET

.NET support

New .NETCompute node

The Microsoft .NET Framework (.NET) support in WebSphere Message Broker Version 8.0 provides the ability to host and run .NET applications and code from inside an Execution Group.

The .NETCompute node routes or transforms messages by using any Common Language Runtime (CLR) compliant .NET programming language, such as C#, Visual Basic (VB), F# and C++/CLI (Common Language Infrastructure). Using this node, the broker can interact with other applications that have .NET or Component Object Model (COM) interfaces and perform tasks such as message enrichment, by obtaining data from these applications.

For information about configuring and using the .NETCompute node, see .NETCompute node and Using .NET.
ESQL enhancements

.NET methods can now be called directly from ESQL.

For more information, see CREATE FUNCTION statement and CREATE PROCEDURE statement.

Web services enhancements

Web services enhancements improve security and reliability.

Web Services Reliable Messaging
Administrators can configure message flows and nodes to use WS-RM (Web Services Reliable Messaging) for inbound and outbound SOAP messages. For more information, see Web Services Reliable Messaging.

Universal connectivity for SOA

Additional nodes and configurable services expand the interaction of the broker with other products.

JMSReceive node
Use the new JMSReceive node to consume or browse messages from a JMS queue in the middle of a message flow.

For further information, see JMSReceive node.

Platforms and environments

Additional features that detail changes to operational modes, along with improved database support, and installer enhancements.

Operation Modes
Three of the Operation Modes have been renamed for this release; they are:
Previous Name Current Name
Entry Express
Starter Standard
Enterprise Advanced
Note: The previous names are still supported for migration purposes.

For further information, see Operation modes.

Oracle support for Windows 64-bit

Oracle database support has been extended to include Windows 64-bit via the ODBC API.

For further information, see Supported databases.

Preemptive database connect

Option to allow database connections to be made before a flow acquires a message, rather than during flow processing. Removes initial connection latency from the message processing.

For more information, see User database connections.

UnixODBC database driver manager improvements
For Linux and UNIX platforms, ODBC connections are now configured using the unixODBC driver manager for all supported databases. In previous releases, this driver manager was used only for solidDB®. All ODBC definitions are now made in two new configuration files, which are described in Enabling ODBC connections to the databases. The WebSphere Message Broker ODBC Database Extender provides the unixODBC driver manager, and is automatically installed after the WebSphere Message Broker component has been installed.

New installer and uninstaller for the Broker component on Linux, UNIX, and Windows platforms
The new Broker component installation and uninstallation wizard introduces new command-line options for installing and uninstalling. It also provides the option of completing installation as a user without root authority, and offers a new sample script file for installing WebSphere Message Broker components and prerequisite products in silent mode. For more information, see Installing the Broker component and Uninstalling the Broker component.



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