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IBM WebSphere MQ JMS exception messages - Middleware News

JMS exception messages
This section lists most common exceptions that can be generated by WebSphere MQ JMS. It does not include all messages that can be written to a trace file. If you receive an exception message not in this list (except in a trace file), or if the cause seems to be an error in WebSphere MQ JMS, please contact your IBM service representative.
MQJMS0000Method {0} has been invoked at an illegal or inappropriate time or if the provider is not in an appropriate state for the requested operation.
Explanation: The normal reason for this exception is that the SSL certificate stores have not been defined. {0} identifies the method that has caused the problem. 
User Response: 
See Using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) for more information.
MQJMS0002JMS Client attempted to set invalid clientId on a connection.
Explanation: An application attempted to set the clientId property of a valid connection to null, or attempted to set the clientId property of an invalid connection. 
User Response: 
The clientId property on a connection can only be set once, only to a non-null value, and only before the connection is used. Ensure that the connection is valid and that the clientId value is not null.
MQJMS0003Destination not understood or no longer valid.
Explanation: The queue or topic may have become unavailable, the application may be using an incorrect connection for the queue or topic, or the supplied destination is not of the correct type for this method. 
User Response: 
Check that WebSphere MQ is still running and the queue manager is available. Check that the right connection is being used for your queue or topic.
MQJMS0004JMS Client has given JMS Provider a message selector with invalid syntax.
Explanation: The message selector string is empty or contains an invalid value or syntax. 
User Response: 
Check the linked WebSphere MQ exception reason and completion codes for more information.
MQJMS0005Unexpected end of stream has been reached when a StreamMessage or BytesMessage is being read.
Explanation: The byte stream being read is shorter than the buffer supplied. This can also be caused by receiving a corrupt StreamMessage or BytesMessage. 
User Response: 
Check the length of buffer supplied. Check system event logs for more information.
MQJMS0006JMS Client attempts to use a data type not supported by a message or attempts to read data in the wrong type.
Explanation: Wrong data types used to read message property types. 
User Response: 
Check that the message received and the properties to be read are of the type expected.
MQJMS0009JMS Provider is unable to allocate the resources required for a method.
Explanation: Machine resources may be overloaded, the linked exception may give further information. 
User Response: 
Check system resources and load.
MQJMS0010Operation invalid because a transaction is in progress.
User Response: 
Wait for the current transaction to complete. See the linked WebSphere MQ exception for further information.
MQJMS0011Call to Session.commit resulted in a rollback of the current transaction.
Explanation: The transaction failed resulting in a call to rollback to a safe state. See the linked exception for more information.
MQJMS1000Failed to create JMS message.
Explanation: Invalid message type or properties were specified when creating a base message. 
User Response: 
Check the linked WebSphere MQ exception Reason and Completion code for more information.
MQJMS1001Unknown acknowledgement mode {0}.
Explanation: Invalid or no parameter {0} set for acknowledgement mode on the session. 
User Response: 
See Session for the possible values for acknowledgement mode.
MQJMS1004Connection closed.
Explanation: An operation such as start() or stop() has been called on a connection that is already closed. 
User Response: 
Ensure that the connection is open before performing any operation.
MQJMS1005Unhandled state transition from {0} to {1}.
Explanation: The state transition is not valid, see log for more information. 
User Response: 
Check the linked WebSphere MQ exception reason and completion code.
MQJMS1006Invalid value for {0}: {1}
Explanation: Invalid value {1} for property {0}. 
User Response: 
Check the linked WebSphere MQ exception reason and completion code. SeeTable 11 for a list of valid values for this property.
MQJMS1008Unknown value of transportType: {0}.
Explanation: The value given for transportType could not be used. {0} shows the invalid value. 
User Response: 
See Table 11 for a list of valid values for this property.
MQJMS1010Not implemented.
Explanation: The function requested is not implemented. This can be thrown by message acknowledgement, if the session or acknowledgement parameters are invalid or incorrect.
MQJMS1011Security credentials cannot be specified when using MQ bindings.
Explanation: The RRS queue does not support a client connection, and bindings connections do not support the specification of security credentials. 
User Response: 
Ensure that you do not try to specify security credentials when using a bindings connection.
MQJMS1012No message listener.
Explanation: The message listener has stopped or was never started. 
User Response: 
Restart the message listener and retry.
MQJMS1013Operation invalid while session is using asynchronous delivery.
Explanation: You cannot perform the requested operation while the session is actively using asynchronous delivery mode. 
User Response: 
See Asynchronous delivery for further information.
MQJMS1014Operation invalid for identified producer.
Explanation: The QueueSender.send method has been performed on an identified QueueSender, which contradicts the JMS specification 
User Response: 
See QueueSender and the JMS specification ( for further information.
MQJMS1015Unknown value of targetClient: {0}.
Explanation: The value for the targetClient property set by the application for this destination is not recognized by WebSphere MQ JMS. 
User Response: 
See Sending a message for valid values of the targetClient property.
MQJMS1017Non-local MQ queue not valid for receiving or browsing.
Explanation: An attempt was made to perform an inappropriate operation on a non-local queue. 
User Response: 
Check the queue properties.
MQJMS1018No valid connection available.
Explanation: The queue is busy, there are network problems or a connection has not been defined for the object. 
User Response: 
Create a valid connection for this operation.
MQJMS1019Invalid operation for non-transacted session.
Explanation: Commit is not allowed on a session that is not transacted. 
User Response: 
Check the linked IllegalStateException for more information. See Session for further information.
MQJMS1020Invalid operation for transacted session.
Explanation: Invalid acknowledgement mode for a transacted session. Acknowledge and Recover are not valid operations in transacted sessions. 
User Response: 
See Session for further information.
MQJMS1021Recover failed: unacknowledged messages might not get redelivered.
Explanation: The system was unable to recover from a failure. 
User Response: 
Contact your IBM representative.
MQJMS1022Failed to redirect message.
Explanation: Unable to send message onto next destination. 
User Response: 
Contact your IBM representative.
MQJMS1023Rollback failed.
Explanation: The system was unable to rollback to a safe state. 
User Response: 
Check the linked WebSphere MQ Exception reason and completion codes for further information.
MQJMS1024Session closed.
Explanation: The session timed out or was closed; or either the connection or the queue manager was closed, implicitly closing the session. 
User Response: 
Restart the session, and check all required resources are available.
MQJMS1025Failed to browse message.
Explanation: No message was available for browsing. There may be no message on the Queue. 
User Response: 
Check the linked WebSphere MQ Exception reason and completion codes. Check that a message is available for browsing.
MQJMS1026ExceptionListener threw exception: {0}.
User Response: Check linked exceptions for further information.
MQJMS1027Failed to reconstitute destination from {0}.
Explanation: A message has been received which contains invalid destination information in the RFH2 header. 
User Response: 
Ensure that any messages being sent by non-JMS applications have correctly formatted destination information. In the case of RFH2 headers, pay special attention to the "Rto" (reply to) and "Dst" (destination) elements of the XML portion of the header. Valid destination strings must start either "queue" or "topic".
MQJMS1028Element name is null.
Explanation: A null name string was passed to one of the "get value by name" methods of MapMessage. 
User Response: 
Ensure that all name strings being used to retrieve values are non-null.
MQJMS1029Property name is null.
Explanation: The itemExists method of MapMessage was invoked with a null item name; or a null name string was used as an argument to a method which retrieves property values by name from a JMS message. 
User Response: 
Ensure that the name strings indicated do not have null values.
MQJMS1031An internal error has occurred. Please contact your system administrator.
Explanation: Internal Error. 
User Response: 
Contact your IBM representative.
MQJMS1032close() failed because of {0}
Explanation: Internal Error. {0} indicates the reason for the error. 
User Response: 
Contact your IBM representative.
MQJMS1033start() failed because of {0}.
Explanation: {0} indicates why the session failed to start. 
User Response: 
Contact your IBM representative.
MQJMS1034MessageListener threw: {0}.
Explanation: A problem has occurred. {0} shows a symptom of the error. 
User Response: 
Contact your IBM representative.
MQJMS1035Cannot transmit non-MQ JMS messages.
Explanation: Wrong message type used. This is a possible internal problem. 
User Response: 
Check the message type. Contact your IBM representative if there appears to be an internal error.
MQJMS1036Failed to locate resource bundle.
Explanation: The resource bundle is either not present or not in the application's classpath. 
User Response: 
Check that the classpath includes the location of property files.
MQJMS1038Failed to log error.
Explanation: Log settings may be incorrect, see the linked LogException. 
User Response: 
Check log settings are correct.
MQJMS1039Trace file does not exist
Explanation: Trace settings may be incorrect. 
User Response: 
Check trace settings and trace file existence. See Tracing programs for more information on Trace.
MQJMS1040Failed to connect to Trace stream.
Explanation: Trace settings may be incorrect. 
User Response: 
See Tracing programs for more information on Trace.
MQJMS1041Failed to find system property {0}.
Explanation: The system property specified in {0} does not exist or was not found in the application's classpath. 
User Response: 
Check the classpath settings and the product installation.
MQJMS1042Invalid delivery mode.
Explanation: Either an invalid value was specified for the delivery mode of a message producer, or an invalid delivery mode value was specified when publishing a message. 
User Response: 
Check to ensure that the value specified is a valid enumeration for delivery mode.
MQJMS1043JNDI failed due to {0}.
Explanation: {0} gives further information. 
User Response: 
Check settings for LDAP, JNDI, and in the JMSAdmin.config file.
MQJMS1044String is not a valid hexadecimal number - {0}.
Explanation: An attempt was made to specify a group ID or correlation ID which starts with the prefix "ID:" but is not followed by a well-formed hex value; or an attempt was made to receive a message which contains an RFH2 property of type bin.hex that does not have a well-formed hex value. 
User Response: 
Ensure that a valid hex value always follows the "ID:" prefix when setting group ID or correlation ID values. Ensure that any RFH2 headers generated by non-JMS applications are well-formed.
MQJMS1045Number outside of range for double precision S/390 Float {0}.
Explanation: This is a z/OS & OS/390 specific error.
MQJMS1046The character set {0} is not supported.
Explanation: An attempt was made to send or receive a map message, stream message or text message whose body is encoded using a character set not supported by the JVM. In the case of text messages, this exception may be thrown when the body of the message is first queried, rather than at receive time. 
User Response: 
Only set character encoding on a message to values known to be available to the receiving application.
MQJMS1047The map message has an incorrect format.
Explanation: A map message was received, but its RFH2 header information is badly formatted. 
User Response: 
Ensure any non-JMS applications are building well-formed RFH2 header information for inclusion in map messages.
MQJMS1048The stream message has an incorrect format.
Explanation: A stream message was received, but its RFH2 header information is badly formatted. 
User Response: 
Ensure any non-JMS applications are building well-formed RFH2 header information for inclusion in stream messages.
MQJMS1049The JMS client attempted to convert a byte array to a String.
Explanation: Attempting to receive a byte array from a stream message using the readString method. 
User Response: 
Either use the appropriate method to receive the data, or format the data placed into the stream message correctly.
MQJMS1050The MQRFH2 header has an incorrect format.
Explanation: Receiving a message with a badly formed RFH2 header. 
User Response: 
Ensure that any non-JMS applications building messages with RFH2 headers create well-formed RFH2 headers.
MQJMS1053Invalid UTF-16 surrogate detected {0}.
Explanation: An invalid UTF-16 surrogate character has been encountered as part of a topic name or RFH2 property. 
User Response: 
Ensure that, when specifying UTF-16, topic names or RFH2 properties are well-formed.
MQJMS1054Invalid XML escape sequence detected {0}.
Explanation: An invalid XML escape sequence has been encountered in the RFH2 header of a received message. 
User Response: 
Ensure that only valid XML escape sequences are placed into any RFH2 headers built by non-JMS applications.
MQJMS1055The property or element in the message has incompatible datatype {0}.
Explanation: Attempting to retrieve a property from a JMS message using a accessor method which specifies an incompatible type. For example, attempting to retrieve an integer property using the getBooleanProperty method. 
User Response: 
Use an accessor method defined by the JMS specification as being able to retrieve property values of the required type.
MQJMS1056Unsupported property or element datatype {0}.
Explanation: This error is caused by one of the following: 
1. Attempting to set a property of a JMS message using an object which is not one of the supported types. 
2. Attempting to set or receive a message whose RFH2 contains a element representing a property which does not have a valid type associated with it. 

User Response: 
Ensure that when setting message properties, an object type described as being valid in the JMS specification is used. If this exception occurs when receiving a message containing an RFH2 header sent by a non-JMS application, ensure that the RFH2 header is well-formed.
MQJMS1057Message has no session associated with it.
Explanation: An attempt was made to acknowledge a message on a session which is not in an open state. 
User Response: 
Ensure that the session associated with the message has been correctly opened. Check that the session has not been closed.
MQJMS1058Invalid message property name: {0}.
Explanation: Attempting to set a property that either does not have a valid property name, or is not a settable property. 
User Response: 
Ensure that the property name used is a valid property name in accordance with the JMS specification. If the property name refers to a JMS or provider-specific extension property, ensure that this property is settable.
MQJMS1059Fatal error - UTF8 not supported.
Explanation: The Java runtime environment you are using does not support the UTF-8 character encoding. JMS requires support for this encoding to perform some operations. 
User Response: 
Consult the documentation and or provider of your Java runtime environment to determine how to obtain support for the UTF-8 character encoding.
MQJMS1060Unable to serialize object.
Explanation: An attempt has been made to serialize an ObjectMessage which contains a non-serializable object. 
User Response: 
Ensure that ObjectMessages only contain serializable objects. If the object placed inside an ObjectMessage references other objects, these must also be serializable.
MQJMS1061Unable to deserialize object.
Explanation: De-serialization of an ObjectMessage failed. 
User Response: 
Ensure that the ObjectMessage being received contains valid data. Ensure that the class files representing object data contained within the ObjectMessage are present on the machine deserializing the ObjectMessage. If the object contained within the ObjectMessage references other objects, ensure that these class files are also present.
MQJMS1066Invalid message element name: {0}.
Explanation: Attempting to set a message property using either an invalid property name, or the name of a property which cannot have its value set. 
User Response: 
Ensure that the property name specified conforms to the JMS specification. If the property name supplied is that of a JMS property, or a vendor specific extension, ensure that this property name is settable.
MQJMS1067Timeout invalid for MQ.
Explanation: An attempt was made to invoke the receive method on either a QueueReceiver or TopicSubscriber method, specifying a long timeout value which is not valid. 
User Response: 
Ensure the timeout value specified is not negative and not greater than the value of Integer.MAX_VALUE.
MQJMS1068Failed to obtain XAResource.
Explanation: JMS failed to create an XA Queue resource due to an error. 
User Response: 
See the linked XAException for more information.
MQJMS1072Could not inquire upon queue manager name.
Explanation: In createConnectionConsumer() or createDurableConnectionConsumer(), JMS could not determine the name of the queue manager. 
User Response: 
Check your queue manager error logs for problems which may cause this. If there are no other error conditions, contact your IBM representative.
MQJMS1073Specified MQ Queue is neither a QLOCAL nor a QALIAS.
Explanation: createConnectionConsumer() was called, but a queue of the wrong type was specified. Only QALIAS and QLOCALs can be used with the ConnectionConsumer feature. 
User Response: 
Specify a queue of the correct type.
MQJMS1074Unable to process null message.
Explanation: Internal error in WebSphere MQ JMS. 
User Response: 
Contact your IBM representative.
MQJMS1075Error writing dead letter header.
Explanation: JMS attempted to requeue a message to the dead letter queue, but could not construct a dead letter header. 
User Response: 
Use the linked exception to determine the cause of this error.
MQJMS1076Error reading dead letter header.
Explanation: JMS attempted to interpret a message with a dead letter header, but encountered a problem. 
User Response: 
Use the linked exception to determine the cause of this error.
MQJMS1077Connection and Destination mismatch.
Explanation: An operation was requested, but the Destination class is incompatible with the Connection class. Topics cannot be used with QueueConnections and Queues cannot be used with TopicConnections. 
User Response: 
Supply a suitable Destination. This may represent an internal error condition in JMS; in this case contact your IBM representative.
MQJMS1078Invalid Session object.
Explanation: The JMS ConnectionConsumer feature attempted to deliver a batch of messages to a Session. However, the Session contained in the ServerSession object returned by the ServerSessionPool was not a WebSphere MQ JMS Session. 
User Response: 
This is an error in the ServerSessionPool. If you have supplied a ServerSessionPool, check its behavior. In a J2EE application server, this may represent an error in the application server; in which case, refer to your application server's documentation.
MQJMS1079Unable to write message to dead letter queue.
Explanation: JMS attempted to requeue a message to the dead letter queue, but failed. 
User Response: 
Use the linked exception to determine the cause of this error. If there is no linked exception, check that the queue manager has a defined dead letter queue. Once JMS has sent a message to the dead letter queue, the reason code stored in the message's DLH can be used to determine why the message was dead-lettered.
MQJMS1080No Backout-Requeue queue defined.
Explanation: JMS encountered a message which has been backed out more than the queue's Backout Threshold, however the queue doesn't have a Backout-Requeue queue defined. 
User Response: 
Define a Backout-Requeue queue for the queue, or set the Backout Threshold to zero to disable poison message handling. Investigate the repeated backouts.
MQJMS1081Message requeue failed.
Explanation: JMS found an error when requeuing a message which has been backed out more than the queue's Backout Threshold. 
User Response: 
Use the linked exception to determine the cause of this error. Investigate the repeated backouts.
MQJMS1082Failure while discarding message.
Explanation: JMS encountered an error while discarding a message, or while generating an exception report for a message to be discarded. 
User Response: 
Use the linked exception to determine the cause of this error.
MQJMS1083Invalid message batch size (must be >0).
Explanation: An invalid batch size parameter was passed to createConnectionConsumer() or createDurableConnectionConsumer(). 
User Response: 
Set a batch size greater than zero. In a J2EE application server, this may represent an error in the application server. Refer to your application server's documentation.
MQJMS1084Null ServerSessionPool has been provided.
Explanation: The ServerSessionPool specified on createConnectionConsumer() or createDurableConnectionConsumer() was null. 
User Response: 
Set an appropriate ServerSessionPool. In a J2EE application server, this may represent an error in the application server. Refer to your application server's documentation.
MQJMS1085Error writing RFH.
Explanation: JMS attempted to construct an RFH message header, but encountered an error. 
User Response: 
Use the linked exception to determine the cause of this error.
MQJMS1086Error reading RFH.
Explanation: JMS encountered an error while parsing an RFH message header. 
User Response: 
Use the linked exception to determine the cause of this error.
MQJMS1087Unrecognized or invalid RFH content.
Explanation: JMS expected to find an RFH message header, but found it to be missing, malformed or lacking required data. 
User Response: 
Investigate the source of the message. This may represent an internal error condition in JMS; in this case, contact your IBM representative.
MQJMS1088Mixed-domain consumers acting on the same input is forbidden.
Explanation: A point-to-point ConnectionConsumer is using the subscriber queue of a publish/subscribe ConnectionConsumer. 
User Response: 
Do not attempt to access subscriber queues using the point-to-point ConnectionConsumer facilities of JMS. Check your TopicConnectionFactory and Topic objects to make sure they are not using a QLOCAL intended for use by point-to-point applications as a subscriber queue.
MQJMS1089Exception occurred reading message body: {0}.

JMS encountered an exception while reading data from a message. The message being read is likely to be a response message from the publish/subscribe broker. 
User Response: 
Use the linked exception to determine the cause of this error.
MQJMS2000Failed to close MQ queue.
Explanation: JMS attempted to close a WebSphere MQ queue, but encountered an error. The queue may already be closed, or another thread may be performing an MQGET while close() is called. 
User Response: 
Use the linked exception to determine the cause of this error. You may be able to perform the close() later.
MQJMS2001MQQueue reference is null.
Explanation: JMS attempted to perform some operation on a null MQQueue object. 
User Response: 
Check your system setup, and that all required queue names have been specified. This may represent an internal error condition in JMS; in this case, contact your IBM representative.
MQJMS2002Failed to get message from MQ queue.
Explanation: JMS attempted to perform an MQGET; however WebSphere MQ reported an error. 
User Response: 
Use the linked exception to determine the cause of this error.
MQJMS2003Failed to disconnect queue manager.
Explanation: JMS encountered an error while attempting to disconnect. 
User Response: 
Use the linked exception to determine the cause of this error.
MQJMS2004MQQueueManager reference is null.
Explanation: JMS attempted to perform an operation on a null MQQueueManager object. 
User Response: 
Check that the relevant object has not been closed. This may represent an internal error condition in JMS; in this case, contact your IBM representative.
MQJMS2005Failed to create MQQueueManager for {0}.
Explanation: JMS could not connect to a queue manager. {0} gives the name of the queue manager. 
User Response: 
Use the linked exception to determine the cause of this error. Check the queue manager is running and, if using client attach, that the listener is running and the channel, port and hostname are set correctly. If no queue manager name has been specified, check that the default queue manager has been defined.
MQJMS2006MQ problem: {0}.
Explanation: JMS encountered some problem with WebSphere MQ. {0} describes the problem. 
User Response: 
Use the included text and linked exception to determine the cause of this error.
MQJMS2007Failed to send message to MQ queue.
Explanation: JMS attempted to perform an MQPUT; however WebSphere MQ reported an error. 
User Response: 
Use the linked exception to determine the cause of this error.
MQJMS2008Failed to open MQ queue.
Explanation: JMS attempted to perform an MQOPEN; however WebSphere MQ reported an error.
User Response: 
Use the linked exception to determine the cause of this error. Check that the specified queue and queue manager are defined correctly.
MQJMS2009MQQueueManager.commit() failed.
Explanation: JMS attempted to perform an MQCMIT; however WebSphere MQ reported an error. 
User Response: 
Use the linked exception to determine the cause of this error.
MQJMS2010Unknown value for MQ queue definitionType: {0}.
Explanation: Unable to delete the temporary queue as the definitionType is not valid. 
User Response: 
Check the setting of definitionType.
MQJMS2011Failed to inquire MQ queue depth.
Explanation: WebSphere MQ JMS is unable to tell how many messages are on the queue. 
User Response: 
Check that the queue and queue manager are available.
MQJMS2012XACLOSE failed.
Explanation: See linked XAException for more details.
MQJMS2013Invalid security authentication supplied for MQQueueManager.
Explanation: Bad username or password or both. In bindings mode, a supplied user ID does not match the logged in user ID. 
User Response: 
Check that the user IDs used by WebSphere MQ are all assigned to the relevant groups and given appropriate user permissions.
MQJMS3000Failed to create a temporary queue from {0}.
Explanation: Creation of temporary queue failed. 
User Response: 
See linked exception for more information. Check that the TemporaryModel parameter against the QueueConnectionFactory is set to a valid model queue.
MQJMS3001Temporary queue already closed or deleted.
Explanation: Temporary queue no longer exists or is equal to null. 
User Response: 
Check to see that the queue has been created, and that the session is still available.
MQJMS3002Temporary queue in use.
Explanation: Another program is using the queue. 
User Response: 
Wait for the temporary queue to become free or create another.
MQJMS3003Cannot delete a static queue.
Explanation: Attempted to delete a queue of type static, where a temporary queue was expected.
User Response: 
Check the expected queue type for deletion.
MQJMS3004Failed to delete temporary queue.
Explanation: The temporary queue may be persistent or busy. 
User Response: 
See the linked WebSphere MQ exception for more details. Wait if the queue is busy, or delete the queue manually if it is persistent.
MQJMS3005Publish/Subscribe failed due to {0}.
Explanation: General error: {0} shows the reason. 
User Response: 
Check the linked WebSphere MQ Exception reason and completion codes for more information. It is possible that the broker and queue manager versions are incompatible.
MQJMS3006Topic reference is null.
Explanation: Topic supplied to a publisher is null. 
User Response: 
Use non-null values.
MQJMS3008Failed to build command {0}.
Explanation: Broker message command parameters incorrect. 
User Response: 
Check linked exception for cause.
MQJMS3009Failed to publish command to MQ queue.
Explanation: Invalid command, queue unavailable or broker errors. 
User Response: 
Check linked WebSphere MQ exception reason and completion codes for more information.
MQJMS3010Failed to build publish message.
Explanation: Unable to build the base message for the broker. 
User Response: 
See the linked WebSphere MQ Exception for further details. Check settings and parameters are all correct. See Chapter 11, Programming publish/subscribe applications for more information.
MQJMS3011Failed to publish message to MQ queue.
Explanation: See linked Exception for more information. 
User Response: 
Check settings and parameters are all correct. See Chapter 11, Programming publish/subscribe applications for more information.
MQJMS3013Failed to store admin. entry.
Explanation: An add to the admin or status queue failed due to duplication or some other error. See any linked exception for more information. 
User Response: 
Check for duplicates and retry.
MQJMS3014Failed to open subscriber queue {0}.
User Response: See linked exception for more information.
MQJMS3017Failed to delete subscriber queue {0}.
Explanation: {0} gives the queue name. See linked exception for more information. 
User Response: 
See Chapter 11, Programming publish/subscribe applications for more information on solving publish/subscribe problems.
MQJMS3018Unknown durable subscription {0}.
Explanation: Could not locate the given subscription. For example, during an unsubscribe request. 
User Response: 
See Chapter 11, Programming publish/subscribe applications for more information.
MQJMS3020TemporaryTopic out of scope.
Explanation: The current connection ID does not match the connection that created the temporary topic.
MQJMS3021Invalid subscriber queue prefix: {0}.
Explanation: The name specified is not valid. It must begin with SYSTEM.JMS.D for durable subscriptions or SYSTEM.JMS.ND for non-durable subscriptions. 
User Response: 
See Chapter 11, Programming publish/subscribe applications for naming conventions.
MQJMS3022Durable re-subscribe must use same subscriber queue; specified: {0}, original: {1}.
Explanation: {0} and {1} show the differing queue names. Unable to get a subscription due to wrong queue manager or queue. 
User Response: 
Check settings.
MQJMS3023Subscription has an active TopicSubscriber.
Explanation: Can be caused by a queue open problem or if a subscription already exists on the JVM. If running in WebSphere Application Server there can be other causes. See linked exception, if set, for more information. 
User Response: 
Check settings.
MQJMS3024Illegal use of uninitialized clientId.
Explanation: The clientId in the connection has not been set. 
User Response: 
Set the clientId before attempting to perform any operation.
MQJMS3025TemporaryTopic in use.
Explanation: Something else is currently using the topic. 
User Response: 
Wait until the topic is free or create another topic. Ensure subscribers de-register when finished.
MQJMS3026QueueSender is closed.
User Response: Open or re-open the queue sender if required.
MQJMS3027Local transactions not allowed with XA sessions.
Explanation: Unexpected error. 
User Response: 
Contact your IBM representative.
MQJMS3028TopicPublisher is closed.
User Response: Open or reopen the topic publisher if required.
MQJMS3029Enlist failed (see linked Exception).
Explanation: JTSXA.enlist threw an exception that was caught by JMS. 
User Response: 
Check the linked WebSphere MQ Exception reason and completion codes for more information. Contact your IBM representative.
MQJMS3031clientId cannot be set after connection has been used.
Explanation: The clientId of a connection can be set only once and only before the connection is used. User Response: Set the clientId before using the connection.
MQJMS3032Resetting the clientId is not allowed.
Explanation: The clientId of a connection can be set only once and only before the connection is used. User Response: Set the clientId before using the connection.
MQJMS3033QueueReceiver is closed.
User Response: Open or reopen the receiver.
MQJMS3034TopicSubscriber is closed.
User Response: Open or reopen the TopicSubscriber.
MQJMS3036Broker side message selection valid only when using WebSphere MQ Integrator broker.
Explanation: Broker version and message selection are not consistent. 
User Response: 
Ensure the broker version has been set in the ConnectionFactory. Use the method setBrokerVersion(JMSC.MQJMS_BROKER_V2) on the ConnectionFactory for WebSphere MQ Integrator or WebSphere MQ Event Broker.
MQJMS3037Message Producer is closed.
Explanation: Either or both of the session and connection are closed. 
User Response: 
Check to ensure that the session and connection are both available.
MQJMS3038Message Consumer is closed.
Explanation: Either or both of the session and connection are closed. 
User Response: 
Check to ensure that the session and connection are both available.
MQJMS3039Illegal use of null name.
Explanation: Durable connection consumers must be named. 
User Response: 
Check for null values.
MQJMS3040Invalid broker control message content: {0}.
Explanation: {0} explains further. 
User Response: 
Check the broker documentation for message content information.
MQJMS3042Unrecognized message from Pub/Sub Broker.
Explanation: The message received from the broker was not of a recognized or supported format. 
User Response: 
Check that the broker you are using is supported and refer to broker documentation for settings.
MQJMS3044Cleanup level of NONE requested.
Explanation: Cleanup requested while cleanupLevel set to NONE. 
User Response: 
Set cleanupLevel property to an appropriate value.
MQJMS3047Subscription store type not supported by queue manager.
Explanation: Not an MQSPIQueue manager or deferred message not supported. 
User Response: 
Possible incompatibility between queue manager version and broker. Specify a different type of subscription store or upgrade the queue manager. See Subscription stores for more information.
MQJMS3048Incorrect subscription store type.
Explanation: Subscription store changed within TopicConnection. 
User Response: 
Contact your IBM representative.
MQJMS3049Incorrect subscription type for this subscription store.
Explanation: TopicSubscriber was created with a different SUBSTORE setting than current TopicConnection. 
User Response: 
Ensure TopicSubscribers are only used during the lifetime of their parent TopicConnection. See Subscription stores for more information.
MQJMS4009Context is not empty.
Explanation: Error deleting Context due to context not being empty. 
User Response: 
Remove context contents before trying delete.
MQJMS4096Binding non-administerable or not found.
Explanation: Administration object or service is equal to null. 
User Response: 
Contact your IBM representative.
MQJMS4097Context not found.
Explanation: Could not find a context to match the name given. 
User Response: 
Ensure the correct context name is specified.
MQJMS4104Object is inactive, so cannot perform directory operations.
Explanation: The JNDI service is inactive. 

MQJMS4106Object is not a WebSphere MQ JMS administered object.
User Response: See Chapter 5, Using the WebSphere MQ JMS administration tool.
MQJMS4111Unable to create context.
Explanation: Administration service failed. 
User Response: 
Check LDAP and JNDI settings.
MQJMS4112Unable to create a valid object, please check the parameters supplied.
Explanation: Consistency check failed. 
User Response: 
Contact your IBM representative.
MQJMS4113Unable to bind object.
Explanation: Administration service bind or copy or move operation failed. 
User Response: 
Contact your IBM representative.
MQJMS4115An invalid name was supplied.
Explanation: JMSAdmin error. An invalid name was supplied when trying to delete a context. 
User Response: 
Refer to Chapter 5, Using the WebSphere MQ JMS administration tool for more about using JMSAdmin.
MQJMS4121Cannot open configuration file.
Explanation: Configuration file may not exist. 
User Response: 
Check MQ_JAVA_INSTALL_PATH environment variable exists and points to the installation directory of the base Java classes.
MQJMS4127Invalid property in this context.
Explanation: JMSAdmin object value is invalid in the current context. 
User Response: 
See Chapter 5, Using the WebSphere MQ JMS administration tool for more about JMSAdmin.
MQJMS4130Context not found or unremovable.
Explanation: The specified child context could not be deleted. 
User Response: 
Ensure the correct context name was specified.
MQJMS4131Expected and actual object types do not match.
Explanation: Requested and retrieved objects are of different types. 
User Response: 
Check that you have specified the correct object type.
MQJMS4132Client-bindings attribute clash.
Explanation: Client properties specified for a bindings connection. 
User Response: 
Ensure the ConnectionFactory properties are correct.
MQJMS4133ExitInit string supplied without Exit string.
Explanation: ExitInit string supplied but Exit is not set. 
User Response: 
Set appropriate exit, or unset ExitInit string.
MQJMS4137Unable to create a WebSphere MQ specific class. The WebSphere MQ classes may not have been installed or added to the classpath.
User Response: Check WebSphere Application Server installation and classpath variable.
MQJMS4139Invalid authentication type supplied - using 'none'.

AdminService JNDI initialization parameters contain an invalid authorization scheme, so "none" is used as the value instead. 
User Response: 
See Chapter 5, Using the WebSphere MQ JMS administration tool for more information.
MQJMS5053*** No broker response. Please ensure that the broker is running. ***
Explanation: Possible causes: 
1. Broker is not running. 
2. You are using BrokerVersion=V2 in your TopicConnectionFactory with the MQSeries Publish/Subscribe broker, which does not support this. 
3. The Broker has rejected the Publication or Subscription and placed it on the SYSTEM.DEAD.LETTER.QUEUE 
User Response: Ensure that your broker is running. Check the system event log for broker error messages. Check that the broker supports the BrokerVersion you are using. Check the SYSTEM.DEAD.LETTER.QUEUE for rejected messages.
MQJMS5054The broker appears to be running, but the message did not arrive.
Explanation: Thrown by Installation Verification Test when the subscriber fails to receive the published message. 
User Response: 
Check that you have set up the broker correctly. Check system event logs for broker error messages. Check the SYSTEM.DEAD.LETTER.QUEUE for messages rejected by the broker.
MQJMS5060Unable to connect to queue manager.
Explanation: Thrown by Installation Verification Test. 
User Response: 
Check that the queue manager is running and that its name is specified correctly in the IVTTest parameters.
MQJMS5061Unable to access broker control queue on queue manager.
User Response: Check that the control queue exists. The default name is SYSTEM.BROKER.CONTROL.QUEUE.
MQJMS6040Invalid socket family name: {0}.
Explanation: An invalid socket family name was given to an instance of IMBSocketFactory. {0} shows the bad name. 
User Response: 
Contact your IBM representative.
MQJMS6041An exception occurred while attempting to load socket factory class {0}, exception: <{1}>.
Explanation: Either a ClassNotFoundException, an InstantiationException or an IllegalAccessException occurred while trying to load a particular IMBSocketFactory. {0} gives the name of the class. 
User Response: 
Contact your IBM representative.
MQJMS6059An exception occurred while loading the minimal client security implementation.
User Response: Contact your IBM representative.
MQJMS6060An unexpected exception in minimal client, exception = {0}.
Explanation: An unusual or unexpected exception occurred at the minimal client. {0} gives more details. 
User Response: 
Contact your IBM representative.
MQJMS6061A specified topic was malformed, topic = {0}.
Explanation: {0} gives the name of the malformed topic. 
User Response: 
See Using topics for more information.
MQJMS6062EOF was encountered while receiving data in the minimal client.
User Response: Contact your IBM representative.
MQJMS6063The broker indicated an error on the minimal client connection.
User Response: Refer to JMS or broker documentation. Contact your IBM representative.
MQJMS6064Connector.send was called with an illegal message value.
Explanation: Connector.send was called with an illegal message value. 
User Response: 
See Chapter 7, Writing WebSphere MQ base Java programs for more information.
MQJMS6065An illegal value was encountered for a field, value = {0}.
Explanation: {0} shows the illegal value. 
User Response: 
See Table 37 for a list of properties and their possible values.
MQJMS6066An unexpected internal error occurred in the minimal client.
Explanation: Internal problem. 
User Response: 
Contact your IBM representative.
MQJMS6067A bytes message operation was requested on something that is not a bytes message.
Explanation: The wrong message type was found. 
User Response: 
Check message type before performing type specific operations.
MQJMS6068A text message operation was requested on something that is not a text message.
Explanation: The wrong message type was found. 
User Response: 
Check message type before performing type specific operations.
MQJMS6069A stream message operation was requested on something that is not a stream message.
Explanation: The wrong message type was found. 
User Response: 
Check message type before performing type specific operations.
MQJMS6070A map message operation was requested on something that is not a map message.
Explanation: The wrong message type was found. 
User Response: 
Check message type before performing type specific operations.
MQJMS6071The broker sent an invalid message during authentication.
User Response: See Chapter 11, Programming publish/subscribe applications and the broker documentation for more information.
MQJMS6072The broker requested an unavailable protocol during authentication.
User Response: See Chapter 11, Programming publish/subscribe applications and the broker documentation for more information.
MQJMS6073Minimal client connection rejected because of authentication failure.
User Response: See Chapter 11, Programming publish/subscribe applications and the broker documentation for more information.
MQJMS6074No QOP available in the minimal client.
Explanation: Indicates that QOP is not implemented in the current version of the minimal client. 
User Response: 
Contact your IBM representative.
MQJMS6078An attempt was made to write an invalid object type of class {0}.
Explanation: {0} identifies the invalid object's class. 
User Response: 
See Chapter 11, Programming publish/subscribe applications and the broker documentation for more information.
MQJMS6079An exception occurred while attempting to load thread pooling support, exception = {0}.
Explanation: An exception was caught while attempting to load thread pooling support in the JMS client. Parameter {0} will give details of the exception. 
User Response: 
Contact your IBM representative.
MQJMS6081An attempt was made to read from a Stream message before a previous read has completed.
Explanation: Internal error. 
User Response: 
Contact your IBM representative.
MQJMS6083An exception occurred while initializing a thread pool instance, exception = {0}.
Explanation: A SocketThreadPoolException was caught while initializing a thread pool instance in the JMS client. {0} gives details of the exception. 
User Response: 
Contact your IBM representative.
MQJMS6085No ExceptionListener has been set.
User Response: Create an ExceptionListener.
MQJMS6088The client-side connection monitor is terminating.
User Response: Restart the connection.
MQJMS6090Attempted to synchronously receive on a MessageConsumer for which a listener is active.
Explanation: MessageConsumer.receive() was called but a message listener is already active on the connection. 
User Response: 
See Chapter 7, Writing WebSphere MQ base Java programs for more information.
MQJMS6091An IOException occurred when starting or stopping delivery on the connection, exception = {0}.
Explanation: Parameter {0} gives details of the exception. 
User Response: 
Restart the connection.
MQJMS6093An exception occurred during synchronous receive, exception = {0}.
Explanation: Internal error, parameter {0} gives details of the exception. 
User Response: 
Restart connection.
MQJMS6096A JMSPriority level of {0} is outside the range specified in JMS.
Explanation: Parameter {0} gives the value that is in error. 
User Response: 
See Table 37 for valid values.
MQJMS6097The specified JMSMessageID, {0}, is invalid.
Explanation: Incorrect syntax was used to specify a message ID in Message.setJMSMessageID. The correct syntax is ID:[0-9]+. 
User Response: 
Check parameters. See Chapter 12, JMS messages for more information on message IDs.
MQJMS6105No more client parameter changes allowed.
Explanation: An attempt was made to set a SessionConfig parameter when no more changes are allowed. Internal error. 
User Response: 
Contact your IBM representative.
MQJMS6106An exception occurred when initializing parameter {0}, exception {1}.
Explanation: {0} identifies the failing parameter and {1} the caught exception. 
User Response: 
Contact your IBM representative.
MQJMS6115An exception occurred while creating the TopicConnection, exception {0}.
Explanation: {0} gives details of the exception. 
User Response: 
Contact your IBM representative.
MQJMS6116This operation is not permitted on an entity that is closed.
Explanation: An operation was requested on a closed publisher, session, or connection. 
User Response: 
Ensure that the publisher, session, or connection is open before trying this operation.
MQJMS6117The {0} implementation of Topic is not supported.
Explanation: The Topic instance passed to a TopicPublisher or TopicSession method has an unsupported run-time implementation. {0} gives the class name of the unsupported implementation.
User Response: 
See Using topics for more information on Topic implementations.
MQJMS6118Topic {0} contains a wildcard, which is invalid for publishing.
Explanation: The Topic specified to a TopicPublisher method contained a wildcard. Wildcards are not allowed in Topics when publishing messages. The failing Topic is given by {0}. 
User Response: 
See Using topics for more information.
MQJMS6119An IOException occurred while publishing, exception {0}.
Explanation: An IOException was caught while publishing a message. {0} gives details of the exception. 
User Response: 
See Chapter 11, Programming publish/subscribe applications for more information.
MQJMS6120Attempted to use a temporary topic not created on the current connection.
Explanation: Invalid use of temporary topics and connections. 
User Response: 
See Chapter 14, JMS interfaces and classes for more information.
MQJMS6121An IOException occurred while subscribing, exception {0}.
Explanation: An IOException was caught while subscribing. {0} gives details of the exception. 
User Response: 
See Chapter 11, Programming publish/subscribe applications for more information.
MQJMS6122An exception occurred when creating subscription to {0}, {1}.
Explanation: An invalid subject or query syntax was used in the creation of a subscriber, resulting in an exception. The topic name, and caught exception are included as parameters of this event. 
User Response: 
See Chapter 11, Programming publish/subscribe applications and the broker documentation for more information.
MQJMS6232While creating a TopicSubscriber, attempting to add the subscription to the matching engine resulted in exception: {0}.
Explanation: {0} gives details of the exception. 
User Response: 
See Chapter 11, Programming publish/subscribe applications and the broker documentation for more information.
MQJMS6234An attempt was made to remove an object with Topic {0} from an empty matching engine: {1}.
Explanation: An attempt was made to remove from a null tree in match space. {0} gives the Topic and {1} gives the MatchTarget. Internal error. 
User Response: 
Contact your IBM representative.
MQJMS6235An attempt was made to remove an object with a Topic {0} from the matching engine, but it did not have a cache entry: {1}.
Explanation: Internal error. 
User Response: 
Contact your IBM representative.
MQJMS6238In attempting to access a field of a message, the following exception occurred: {0}.
Explanation: A corrupt message format was discovered. Internal error. 
User Response: 
Contact your IBM representative.
MQJMS6240An EvalCache get or put operation specified an invalid id.
Explanation: An operation expected the MinValue of an EvalCache to be increased, but it won't be. Internal Error. 
User Response: 
Contact your IBM representative.
MQJMS6241Too many content attributes were specified.
Explanation: Too many non-topic attributes were specified in Factor.createMatcherInternal. Internal error. 
User Response: 
Contact your IBM representative.
MQJMS6246An incorrect use of a the Topic wildcard character {0} was detected.
Explanation: The failing Topic is given by parameter {0}. 
User Response: 
See Using topics for more information.
MQJMS6247The Topic segment separator {0} appears in an incorrect position.
Explanation: A subscription Topic separator was used incorrectly. {0} shows the bad separator. 
User Response: 
See Using topics for more information.
MQJMS6249The following exception occurred while parsing a subscription selector: {0}.
Explanation: A TypeCheckException occurred while loading or invoking the match parser. This may indicate a syntax error in your Selector. 
User Response: 
See Message selectors for more information.
MQJMS6250The escape character was used to terminate the following pattern: {0}.
Explanation: This may indicate a syntax error in your Selector. 
User Response: 
See Message selectors for more information.
MQJMS6251The escape character {0} passed to the pattern tool is longer than one character.
Explanation: This may indicate a syntax error in your Selector. 
User Response: 
See Message selectors for more information.
MQJMS6252A message field was expected to contain a value of type {0} but contained one of type {1}.
Explanation: This may indicate a syntax error in your Selector. 
User Response: 
See Message selectors for more information.
MQJMS6312Non-authorized subscription to topic {0}.
Explanation: Attempting to create a subscription to a Topic that is not authorized for the client. {0} gives the Topic string. 
User Response: 
See Chapter 11, Programming publish/subscribe applications and the broker documentation for more information.


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