Restriction: Advanced workflow is only available in a DB2® environment. It is not available in an Oracle environment.
Accepting the licensing terms
Before you start installing WebSphere MQ and WebSphere MQ Workflow, you need to run the (found on the WebSphere MQ CD-Rom) to accept the software licensing terms. After you finish installing WebSphere MQ, you need to run the setmqcap command. This command sets the purchased processor allowance. Please refer to the kWebSphere MQ manuals for additional details.
Similarly, before you run the WebSphere MQ Workflow silent install script (, you need to run the (found on the WebSphere MQ Workflow CD-Rom) to accept the WebSphere MQ Workflow license.
Installing WebSphere MQ on AIX
Before you can install WebSphere MQ for AIX® you must create and mount a /var/mqm file system, or /var/mqm, /var/mqm/log, and /var/mqm/errors file systems.
Allow a minimum of 30 MB of storage for /var/mqm, 2 MB of storage for /var/mqm/errors, and 20 MB of storage for /var/mqm/log if you choose to create separate file systems.
To use SMIT for the installation:
- Log in to SMIT with root authority. From the shell, enter: smit
- Select the appropriate device appropriate for your installation using this sequence of windows:
- Software Installation and Maintenance
- Install and Update Software
- Install and Update from latest available software
You can also use the alternative fast path command:
- smitty install_latest
- Press List to display the Single Select List window.
- Select: /dev/cd0 (CD-ROM Drive)Select Do to display the parameters for Install Latest Level.
- Press F4 to obtain a list of components to install.
- Press Enter.
- If you have a previous version of the product on your system, change the Auto Install prerequisite software to No and Overwrite existing version to Yes.
- Select Do to install the software.
Tip: If you want to verify as root, you must add Root to the mqm group
WebSphere MQ AIX installation verification procedures
This section describes how to verify a local (standalone) installation, involving no communication links to other WebSphere MQ system.
Follow the steps in this section to install and test a simple configuration of one queue manager and one queue. In this process, you use sample applications to put a message onto the queue and to read the message from the queue.
- Install WebSphere MQ for AIX on the workstation (include the Base Server component as a minimum).
- Create a default queue manager (in this example called venus.queue.manager):
- At the command prompt in the window enter: crtmqm -q venus.queue.manager
- Press Enter. Messages are displayed telling you that the queue manager has been created, and that the default WebSphere MQ objects have been created.Tip: In prior releases of WebSphere MQ, it was necessary to run a script file called amqscoma.tst to define the WebSphere MQ default objects. This step is not required in this release of the product.
- Start the default queue manager:
- Enter strmqm and then press Enter:
- A message tells you when the queue manager starts.
- To enable MQSC commands, enter runmqsc and press Enter.Tip: MQSC has started when the following message appears: Starting MQ Commands. MSQC has no command prompt.
- Define a local queue (in this example, called ORANGE.QUEUE):
- Enter define qlocal (orange.queue). and press Enter. Any text entered in MQSC in lowercase is converted automatically to uppercase unless you enclose it in single quotation marks. This means that if you create a queue with the name orange.queue, you must refer to it in any commands outside MQSC as ORANGE.QUEUE. The message MQ queue created is displayed when the queue is created.
- To Stop MQSC, press Ctrl-D, or enter end and press Enter. The following message appears: Enter.The following message is displayed:
One MQSC commands read No commands have a syntax error. All validThe command prompt is displayed again.
MQSC commands were processed.
To test the queue and queue manager, use the samples amqsput (to put a message on the queue) and amqsget (to get the message from the queue) as described in the following steps.
- Change to /usr/mqm/samp/bin.
- To put a message on the queue, enter amqsput ORANGE.QUEUE and press Enter.The following message appears:
sample amqsput0 start
target queue is ORANGE.QUEUE - Enter any message text and press Enter two times.The following message appears:
Sample amqsput0 end
If required, change to /usr/mqm/samp/bin
To get the message from the queue, enter amqsget ORANGE.QUEUE. and press Enter. The following occurs:
- The sample program starts.
- Your message is displayed.
- The sample ends.
- The command prompt is displayed again.
The verification is complete.
Installing IBM WebSphere MQ Workflow on AIX
Creating user ID and groups
- Log on as root.
- Enter command mkgroup fmcgrp
- Verify that WebSphere MQ Administrator mqm exists.
- Verify that DB2 database administrator group db2iadml exists.If it does not exist, check to see that you have installed DB2 correctly. If your DB2 Administrator group has a different name, be careful to substitute it whenever the default db2iadml is mentioned.
- Follow these steps to create an WebSphere MQ Workflow Administration user. Notice that the WebSphere MQ Workflow Administration user ID (for example, fmc) must have WebSphere MQ and DB2 administration rights. Use the following command to create the user. The following example assumes the db2 instance is of the db2iadm1 group.
mkuser -a pgrp=fmcgrp groups=mqm,db2iadm1 fmc
- Set the password for user fmc with the command: passwd fmc, Alternatively, you can create the fmc user and the fmcgrp group using SMIT.
- Modify fmc's login file to include locale information. For example: export LANG=en_US. WebSphere MQ Workflow runtime needs that locale information to look up message bundles.
- Establish the use of db2 environment in fmc's profile. You can achieve this by including in the fmc's profile including the db2profile of the db2 instance which owns the WebSphere MQ Workflow runtime database. For example, include the following in the fmc's profile. The example assumes the db2inst1 is the instance owner and db2inst1 is used for the WebSphere MQ Workflow runtime database.
export DB2INSTANCE=db2inst1
if [ -e /home/$DB2INSTANCE/sqllib/db2profile ]; then . /home/$DB2INSTANCE/sqllib/db2profile fi
The WebSphere MQ Workflow runtime data will use /var/fmc by default. Depend on usage, it would take about 100MB to 400MB of disk space. It is recommended to check to see if the system has sufficient disk space before the installation is attempted.
- Log in to AIX as root.
- Insert the WebSphere MQ Workflow installation disk into the CD-ROM drive.
- Mount the CD-ROM by entering the command:
Mount -oro -v cdrfs /dev/cd0 /cdrom
- Copy all the files in the workflow directory from the CD-ROM to a temporary directory (for example, /tmp/workflow).
- Specify the locale for this installation as well as the following configuration session. For example: export LANG=en_US.
- Enter: /cdrom to start installing the WebSphere MQ Workflow.Tips: If you choose smitty to install the WebSphere MQ Workflow, do not choose the fmcdefault (default configuration) package. Instead, always follow the next section to prepare the WebSphere MQ Workflow configuration for the DB2 Information Integrator for Content workflow.
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