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IBM Websphere MQ - Message Summary attributes - Middleware News

Message Summary attributes

Use the Message Summary attributes to detect problems with messages. This group provides the backout count (which if high can indicate a problem), the correlation and message IDs, the message expiration time, the message length, message type (which can be request, reply, report, or datagram), persistence (which indicates whether the message is recoverable), priority (which can be used for selective retrieval), date and time the message was created, and the reply-to queue and queue manager names. These attributes are informational only; they cannot be used to create situations.
If multiple headers are generated, subsequent headers are prefixed with the IBM® WebSphere® MQ ID of the associated header. For example, subsequent dead letter queue headers are prefixed with DLH and subsequent transmit queue headers are prefixed with XQH. For more information, see the IBM WebSphere MQ Application Programming Reference manual.
Accounting Token The accounting token of the message. Valid format is an alphanumeric string of up to 32 case-sensitive characters.
Appl ID The application name (on z/OS®, the application identifier) of the application that put the message on the queue. Valid format is an alphanumeric string of up to 12 case-sensitive characters.
Appl Origin The application origin data of the message. Valid format is an alphanumeric string of up to 4 case-sensitive characters.
Appl Type The application type of the application that put the message on the queue. Valid format is an integer. Valid values are as follows:
  • Unknown = -1,
  • NoContext = 0,
  • CICS® = 1,
  • MVS = 2,
  • IMS™ = 3,
  • OS2 = 4,
  • DOS = 5,
  • UNIX® = 6,
  • QMGR = 7,
  • OS400 = 8,
  • WINDOWS = 9,
  • CICS_VSE = 10,
  • WINDOWS_NT = 11,
  • VMS = 12,
  • GUARDIAN = 13,
  • VOS = 14,
  • IMS_BRIDGE = 19,
  • XCF = 20,
  • CICS_BRIDGE = 21,
  • NOTES_AGENT = 22,
  • SYSTEMEXT = 35,
  • USER = 65536
Application Identity Data The application identity data of the message. Valid format is an alphanumeric string of up to 32 case-sensitive characters.
Backout Count The backout count of the message. A high value might indicate a problem. Valid format is an integer.
Coded CharSetID The coded character set identifier, CCSID, of the message. Valid format is an integer.
Correlation ID The correlation identifier of the message, in hexadecimal character format. Valid format is an alphanumeric string of up to 48 case-sensitive characters.
Correlation ID (Char) The correlation identifier of the message. Valid format is an alphanumeric string of up to 24 characters.
Dest QMgr The destination queue manager of the message. Valid format is an alphanumeric string of up to 48 characters.
Dest Queue The destination queue of the message. Valid format is an alphanumeric string of up to 48 characters.
DLQ Appl ID The application name (or on z/OS, the application identifier) of the application that put the message on the dead-letter queue. Valid format is an alphanumeric string of up to 28 characters.
DLQ Appl Type The application type of the application that put the message on the dead-letter queue. Valid format is an integer. Valid values are as follows:
  • Unknown = -1,
  • NoContext = 0,
  • CICS = 1,
  • MVS = 2,
  • IMS = 3,
  • OS2 = 4,
  • DOS = 5,
  • UNIX = 6,
  • QMGR = 7,
  • OS400 = 8,
  • WINDOWS = 9,
  • CICS_VSE = 10,
  • WINDOWS_NT = 11,
  • VMS = 12,
  • GUARDIAN = 13,
  • VOS = 14,
  • IMS_BRIDGE = 19,
  • XCF = 20,
  • CICS_BRIDGE = 21,
  • NOTES_AGENT = 22,
  • USER = 65536
DLQ Put Date & Time The date and time the message is put on the dead-letter queue. Standard 16-character date/time format (CYYMMDDHHMMSSmmm), where:
Century (0 for 20th, 1 for 21st)
Encoding The encoding value of the message comparing with Origin Encoding. Valid format is an integer.
Expire (Secs) The expiration of the message, in seconds. Valid format is an integer.
Feedback Code The feedback code of the message. Valid format is an integer.
Format Name The format name of the message. Valid format is an alphanumeric string of up to 8 case-sensitive characters.
Group ID The group identifier for segmented or group messages. Valid format is an alphanumeric string of up to 48 characters.
Host Name The name of the system on which this queue manager is running. On z/OS systems, this is the SMF ID. Valid format is an alphanumeric string of up to 48 case-sensitive characters.
Message ID The message identifier of the message. Valid format is an alphanumeric string of up to 48 case-sensitive characters.
Message Tag Cyclic redundancy check (CRC) for message descriptor (MQMD) in hexadecimal characters. Valid format is an alphanumeric string of up to 8 characters.
Msg Length The length of the message. Valid format is an integer.
Msg Type The message type (can be request, reply, report, or datagram). Valid format is an integer. Valid values are
  • Request = 1,
  • Reply = 2,
  • Report = 4,
  • Datagram = 8,
  • Appl = 65536
Origin CharSetID The coded character set identifier, CCSID, of the original message. Valid format is an integer.
Origin Encoding The encoding value of the original message. Valid format is an integer.
Origin Format The format name of the original message. Valid format is an alphanumeric string of up to 8 case-sensitive characters.
Origin Node The WebSphere MQ Monitoring agent-assigned name of the node on which the data for the queue manager originates.
On z/OS systems, this name takes the form qmgr:smfid:MQESA, where qmgr is the name of the queue manager, and smfid is the z/OS system ID or SMF ID.
On distributed systems, this name takes the form qmgr::MQ. If the host ID value is specified by the SET AGENT command, this name takes the form qmgr:hostid:MQ. Valid format is an alphanumeric string of up to 128 case-sensitive characters.
Persistence Indicates whether the message is persistent. Valid values are No = 0, Yes = 1. This indicates whether the message is recoverable.
Priority The priority of the message. Valid format is an integer.
Put Date & Time The date and time that the message is put on the queue. Standard 16-character date/time format (CYYMMDDHHMMSSmmm), where:
Century (0 for 20th, 1 for 21st)
QMgr Name The name that is assigned to this queue manager. Valid format is an alphanumeric string of up to 48 case-sensitive characters.
Queue Name The name of the queue that is specified in the MQOPEN call (MQOD_ObjectName) of the application. Valid format is an alphanumeric string of up to 48 case-sensitive characters.
Reason Code The reason code for the message. This indicates why the message is undeliverable. Valid format is an integer.
Valid values are as follows:
  • None = 0,
  • (KMQW000W)263-Channel_Fail_Retry = 263,
  • (KMQW000W)264-Channel_Fail = 264,
  • (KMQW000W)265-Appl_Cannot_Be_Started = 265,
  • (KMQW000W)266-Trigger_Msg_Error = 266,
  • (KMQW000W)267-Appl_Type_Error = 267,
  • (KMQW000W)268-Stopped_By_Msg_Exit = 268,
  • (KMQW000W)271-Xmit_Q_Msg_Error = 271,
  • (KMQW000W)2003-Backed_Out = 2003,
  • (KMQW000W)2009-Connection_Broken = 2009,
  • (KMQW000W)2012-Environment_Error = 2012,
  • (KMQW000W)2030-Msg_Too_Big_For_Q = 2030,
  • (KMQW000W)2031-Msg_Too_Big_For_Q_Mgr = 2031,
  • (KMQW000W)2035-Not_Authorized = 2035,
  • (KMQW000W)2048-Persistent_Not_Allowed = 2048,
  • (KMQW000W)2051-Put_Inhibited = 2051,
  • (KMQW000W)2052-Q_Deleted = 2052,
  • (KMQW000W)2053-Q_Full = 2053,
  • (KMQW000W)2056-Q_Space_Not_Available = 2056,
  • (KMQW000W)2057-Q_Type_Error = 2057,
  • (KMQW000W)2063-Security_Error = 2063,
  • (KMQW000W)2082-Unknown_Alias_Base_Q = 2082,
  • (KMQW000W)2085-Unknown_Object_Name = 2085,
  • (KMQW000W)2086-Unknown_Object_Q_Mgr = 2086,
  • (KMQW000W)2087-Unknown_Remote_Q_Mgr = 2087,
  • (KMQW000W)2098-Context_Not_Available = 2098,
  • (KMQW000W)2101-Object_Damaged = 2101,
  • (KMQW000W)2102-Resource_Problem = 2102,
  • (KMQW000W)2150-DBCS_Error = 2150,
  • (KMQW000W)2192-Pageset_Full = 2192,
  • (KMQW000W)2193-Pageset_Error = 2193,
  • (KMQW000W)2195-Unexpected_Error = 2195,
  • (KMQW000W)2203-Connection_Stopping = 2203,
  • (KMQW000W)2204-Adapter_Not_Available = 2204,
  • (KMQW000W)2208-File_System_Error = 2208,
  • (KMQW000W)2218-Msg_Too_Big_For_Channel = 2218,
  • (KMQW000W)2223-Q_Mgr_Not_Active = 2223,
  • (KMQW000W)2228-Channel_Not_Available = 2228,
  • (KMQW000W)2230-Channel_Error = 2230,
  • (KMQW000W)2249-Msg_Flags_Error = 2249,
  • (KMQW000W)2285-Service_Not_Available = 2285,
  • (KMQW000W)2289-Service_Error = 2289
Reply to QMgr The name of the reply-to queue manager. Valid format is an alphanumeric string of up to 48 case-sensitive characters.
Reply to Queue The name of the reply-to queue. Valid format is an alphanumeric string of up to 48 case-sensitive characters.
Report Options The report options. Valid format is an integer.
Segmented or Group Message Indicates whether the message is a Segmented or Group message, or both. Valid values include No = 0, Segment = 1, Group = 2, Group_Segment = 3.
Status The status of the open or get. Valid format is an integer of up to 4 digits.
Valid values are
  • OK = 0,
  • (KMQW000W)2001-Alias_Base_Q_Type_Error = 2001,
  • (KMQW000W)2004-Buffer_Error = 2004,
  • (KMQW000W)2005-Buffer_Length_Error = 2005,
  • (KMQW000W)2009-Connection_Broken = 2009,
  • (KMQW000W)2010-Data_Length_Error = 2010,
  • (KMQW000W)2011-Dynamic_Q_Name_Error = 2011,
  • (KMQW000W)2016-Get_Inhibited = 2016,
  • (KMQW000W)2017-Handle_Not_Available = 2017,
  • (KMQW000W)2018-Hconn_Error = 2018,
  • (KMQW000W)2019-Hobj_Error = 2019,
  • (KMQW000W)2024-Syncpoint_Limit_Reached = 2024,
  • (KMQW000W)2026-MD_Error = 2026,
  • (KMQW000W)2033-No_Msg_Available = 2033,
  • (KMQW000W)2034-No_Msg_Under_Cursor = 2034,
  • (KMQW000W)2035-Not_Authorized = 2035,
  • (KMQW000W)2036-Not_Open_For_Browse = 2036,
  • (KMQW000W)2037-Not_Open_For_Input = 2037,
  • (KMQW000W)2041-Object_Changed = 2041,
  • (KMQW000W)2042-Object_In_Use = 2042,
  • (KMQW000W)2043-Object_Type_Error = 2043,
  • (KMQW000W)2044-OD_Error = 2044,
  • (KMQW000W)2045-Option_Not_Valid_For_Type = 2045,
  • (KMQW000W)2046-Options_Error = 2046,
  • (KMQW000W)2052-Q_Deleted = 2052,
  • (KMQW000W)2057-Q_Type_Error = 2057,
  • (KMQW000W)2058-Q_Mgr_Name_Error = 2058,
  • (KMQW000W)2059-Q_Mgr_Not_Available = 2059,
  • (KMQW000W)2062-Second_Mark_Not_Allowed = 2062,
  • (KMQW000W)2063-Security_Error = 2063,
  • (KMQW000W)2069-Signal_Outstanding = 2069,
  • (KMQW000W)2070-Signal_Request_Accepted = 2070,
  • (KMQW000W)2071-Storage_Not_Available = 2071,
  • (KMQW000W)2079-Truncated_Msg_Accepted = 2079,
  • (KMQW000W)2080-Truncated_Msg_Failed = 2080,
  • (KMQW000W)2082-Unknown_Alias_Base_Q = 2082,
  • (KMQW000W)2085-Unknown_Object_Name = 2085,
  • (KMQW000W)2086-Unknown_Object_Q_Mgr = 2086,
  • (KMQW000W)2087-Unknown_Remote_Q_Mgr = 2087,
  • (KMQW000W)2091-Xmit_Q_Type_Error = 2091,
  • (KMQW000W)2092-Xmit_Q_Usage_Error = 2092,
  • (KMQW000W)2099-Signal1_Error = 2099,
  • (KMQW000W)2100-Object_Already_Exists = 2100,
  • (KMQW000W)2101-Object_Damaged = 2101,
  • (KMQW000W)2102-Resource_Problem = 2102,
  • (KMQW000W)2109-Suppressed_By_Exit = 2109,
  • (KMQW000W)2110-Format_Error = 2110,
  • (KMQW000W)2111-Source_CCSID_Error = 2111,
  • (KMQW000W)2112-Source_Integer_Enc_Error = 2112,
  • (KMQW000W)2113-Source_Decimal_Enc_Error = 2113,
  • (KMQW000W)2114-Source_Float_Enc_Error = 2114,
  • (KMQW000W)2115-Target_CCSID_Error = 2115,
  • (KMQW000W)2116-Target_Integer_Enc_Error = 2116,
  • (KMQW000W)2117-Target_Decimal_Enc_Error = 2117,
  • (KMQW000W)2118-Target_Float_Enc_Error = 2118,
  • (KMQW000W)2119-Not_Converted = 2119,
  • (KMQW000W)2120-Converted_Msg_Too_Big = 2120,
  • (KMQW000W)2130-Adapter_Serv_Load_Error = 2130,
  • (KMQW000W)2133-Adapter_Conv_Load_Error = 2133,
  • (KMQW000W)2136-Multiple_Reasons = 2136,
  • (KMQW000W)2140-CICS_Wait_Failed = 2140,
  • (KMQW000W)2152-Object_Name_Error = 2152,
  • (KMQW000W)2153-Object_Q_Mgr_Name_Error = 2153,
  • (KMQW000W)2154-Recs_Present_Error = 2154,
  • (KMQW000W)2155-Object_Records_Error = 2155,
  • (KMQW000W)2156-Response_Records_Error = 2156,
  • (KMQW000W)2157-ASID_Mismatch = 2157,
  • (KMQW000W)2161-Q_Mgr_Quiescing = 2161,
  • (KMQW000W)2162-Q_Mgr_Stopping = 2162,
  • (KMQW000W)2183-API_Exit_Load_Error = 2183,
  • (KMQW000W)2184-Remote_Q_Name_Error = 2184,
  • (KMQW000W)2186-GMO_Error = 2186,
  • (KMQW000W)2192-Pageset_Full = 2192,
  • (KMQW000W)2193-Pageset_Error = 2193,
  • (KMQW000W)2194-Name_Not_Valid_For_Type = 2194,
  • (KMQW000W)2195-Unexpected_Error = 2195,
  • (KMQW000W)2196-Unknown_Xmit_Q = 2196,
  • (KMQW000W)2197-Unknown_Def_Xmit_Q = 2197,
  • (KMQW000W)2198-Def_Xmit_Q_Type_Error = 2198,
  • (KMQW000W)2199-Def_Xmit_Q_Usage_Error = 2199,
  • (KMQW000W)2201-Name_In_Use = 2201,
  • (KMQW000W)2202-Connection_Quiescing = 2202,
  • (KMQW000W)2203-Connection_Stopping = 2203,
  • (KMQW000W)2204-Adapter_Not_Available = 2204,
  • (KMQW000W)2209-No_Msg_Locked = 2209,
  • (KMQW000W)2217-Connection_Not_Authorized = 2217,
  • (KMQW000W)2219-Call_In_Progress = 2219,
  • (KMQW000W)2241-Incomplete_Group = 2241,
  • (KMQW000W)2242-Incomplete_Msg = 2242,
  • (KMQW000W)2243-Inconsistent_CCSIDs = 2243,
  • (KMQW000W)2244-Inconsistent_Encodings = 2244,
  • (KMQW000W)2245-Inconsistent_UOW = 2245,
  • (KMQW000W)2246-Invalid_Msg_Under_Cursor = 2246,
  • (KMQW000W)2247-Match_Options_Error = 2247,
  • (KMQW000W)2255-UOW_Not_Available = 2255,
  • (KMQW000W)2256-Wrong_GMO_Version = 2256,
  • (KMQW000W)2257-Wrong_MD_Version = 2257,
  • (KMQW000W)2259-Inconsistent_Browse = 2259,
  • (KMQW002E)Unsupported_CCSID_Found = 9002,
  • (KMQW005E)Insufficient_Storage = 9005,
  • (KMQW008E)Not_Allowed_By_MSGACCESS = 9008,
  • (KMQW009E)Agent_Timeout_Occurred = 9009
User Identifier The user identifier that is used for MQ requests that must be authenticated to the terminal user. Valid format is an alphanumeric string of up to 12 case-sensitive characters.



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