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View Monitoring events Via IBM Integration Bus Web UI - Middleware News

  • Create and configure a database.
  • Create appropriate configurable services.
  • Configure monitoring for the message flow.
  • Create and Configure the database data source:

    -  to configure odbc data source : please create it using Administrative tools in windows or preparing odbc database for Linux by downloading it from The unixODBC Project home page and Configure it from here Sample IBM Integration Bus ODBC configuration files.
    - In our case we are using oracle so we well take oracle configuration :

    - then from command line : type the following :

    mqsisetdbparms -n odbc::MYORACLEDB -u -p

    mqsicvp .

    mqsicvp MYORACLEDB -u -p

    - Then Open Oracle SQL Developer or any oracle editor : then :open the script located in /opt/ibm/mqsi/
    or /IBM/MQSI/".

    - open it and then select all scripts at once , it well create four tables.

    Now Database is ready.
  • Create Appropriate Configurable services:
    In this case we need to configurable services "DatacaptureStore" and "DataCaptureSource".

    DataCaptureStore configurable service :
    In this Configurable service after its creation ,it creates subscription object it listens on the topic with string "$SYS/Broker//Monitoring//Message Flow" then it well store it in Local Queue this queue is set in the Configurable service then data picked from the Queue and sent to the database if there is any problem the message well put into Backout queue configured in Data Capture store configurable service.

    Before Creating Configurable service : first Create Queues [ EVENT_QUEUE_SUB] , [ BCKOUT.QUEUE], [ QUEUE_ERROR_OUT]. using IBM Webpshere MQ Explorer :

          To Create the Configurable Services :
  1. Open IBM Integration Bus Then Expand the Broker : then Right Click on Configurable Services -> New -> Configurable Service.

  2. Fill Name "AuditCaptureStore".
  3. Choose Type from the List : "DataCaptureStore"
  4. Fill Data :
    a) backoutQueue : "BCKOUT.QUEUE".
    b) commitCount   : 1.
    c) commitIntervalSecs : 5.
    d) dataSource              : "MYORACLEDB".
    e) egForRecord           : "default".
    f) egForView                : "default".
    g) queueName            : "QUEUE_EVENT_SUB".
    h) schema                   :  "HR".
    i) threadPoolSize         : 10             h) useCoordinatedTransaction : false.

    In Command Line Like this :

    mqsicreateconfigurableservice BRKR_NODE -c DataCaptureStore -o  -n backoutQueue,commitCount,commitIntervalSecs,dataSourceName,egForRecord,egForView,queueName,schema,threadPoolSize,useCoordinatedTransaction  -v "BCKOUT.QUEUE","1","5","MYORACLEDB","default","default","QUEUE_EVENT_SUB","HR","10","false"

  5. Now, Create DataCaptureSource Configurable service which is the source that use DataCaptureStore to listen to the topic then it well record any event to the database for creating DataCaptureSource : Right Click on Configurable Services -> New -> Configurable Service.
  6. Fill the Name : AuditingEventCaptureSource.
  7. Fill the dataCaptureStore : "AuditingCaptureStore".
  8. Fill the topic like "$SYS/Broker/[Broker Name ]/Monitoring/default/#" it well listen for each Message flow is activated the Monitoring flow in this execution group.
    In Command Line it well be like this :

    mqsicreateconfigurableservice BRKR_NODE -c DataCaptureSource -o  -n dataCaptureStore,topic  -v "AuditingEventsStore","$SYS/Broker/BRKR_NODE/Monitoring/default/provider.MonitoringService_MsgFlow"

  9. Expand the Queue Manager->Subscriptions, you well found the Subscription object that created by two Configurable services.

  10. Now Configure the Event for Your Message Flow  by go to the monitoring in node properties

  11. Then Build Your BAR File and Deploy, After deployment is finished type this command in the command line :
    mqsichangeflowmonitoring BRKR_NODE -e default -k monitoring-sample -j -c active

    Now All Message Flow Monitoring are activated.
  12. Send Any Message in Your Application : In this Tutorail the Message flow is web service then message well sent using wsdl via SOAP UI
    the well be attached to this Post.

  13. Now Open IBM Integration Web UI : using this url : http://localhost:4414 now Web UI with Your Broker Details is opened.
    If You don't configured it before configure it from IBM Integration Bus web user interface

  14. expand Data->Data Capture Stores ->AuditCaptureStore.

  15. The Final Result is :

    and In the Data base its like that :



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