Example1 :To start the http process on a First message put in the Queue
NOTE : The method to stop/start http as mqm is not covered in this tutorial .
Http Process is just used for example .. you can use any process as per your requirement ( Ensure that mqm user should be able to stop/start those processes)
——- Start QMgr bash-3.2$ strmqm QMC01 bash-3.2$ runmqsc QMC01 ——- Create Initiation Queue DEFINE QL(TRIGGER.INITIATION.QUEUE) like SYSTEM.DEFAULT.INITIATION.QUEUE ——- Create Local Queue with Triggering Options with TRIGTYPE(FIRST) DEFINE QLOCAL(TRIGGER.Q) TRIGGER TRIGDPTH(1) TRIGTYPE(FIRST) INITQ(TRIGGER.INITIATION.QUEUE) PROCESS(TRIG.PROCESS) ——- Create Process with APPLICID ( /etc/init.d/httpd start ) It can be any process as per env DEFINE PROCESS (‘TRIG.PROCESS’) APPLTYPE(UNIX) APPLICID(‘/etc/init.d/httpd start’) ——- Display QueueDepth before testing to ensure there are no messages in the QUEUE bash-3.2$ echo “DISPLAY QL(TRIGGER.Q) CURDEPTH TRIGGER ” | runmqsc QMC01 ——- Run runmqtrm command on the Initiation Queue bash-3.2$ runmqtrm -m QMC01 -q TRIGGER.INITIATION.QUEUE ——- Put Messages using amqsput bash-3.2$/opt/mqm/sampl/bin/amqsput TRIGGER.Q QMC01 ——- On the first message put to the QUEUE the triggering would be fired , view the putty console where runmqtrm is running .. here we will see if the trigger event is run and triggering invoked and http process started ——- Display QueueDepth bash-3.2$ echo “DISPLAY QL(TRIGGER.Q) CURDEPTH TRIGGER ” | runmqsc QMC01 ——- Check if the http Process is saterted by the just putting the Message in Queue bash-3.2$ps –ef | grep http |
Example2: Enable triggering to start a unix script with a receipt of a message .
In this example we will be running a script instead of starting a process with trigerring set for FIRST( ie On the arrival of the first message )
——- Create a script when run will browse the message using amqsgbr and redirect to a script.log bash-3.2$ vi /var/mqm/testscript.sh ############################ echo `date` >> /var/mqm/script.log /opt/mqm/samp/bin/amqsgbr TRIGGER.Q QMC01 | grep “[1-9] <” >> /var/mqm/script.log echo “==========================” >> /var/mqm/script.log ############################ ——- Make the script executable bash-3.2$ chmod 755 /var/mqm/testscript.sh ——- Start Queue Manager bash-3.2$ strmqm QMC01 bash-3.2$ runmqsc QMC01 ——- Create an Initiation Queue DEFINE QL(TRIGGER.INITIATION.QUEUE) like SYSTEM.DEFAULT.INITIATION.QUEUE ——- Create a Local Queue where Triggering is enabled with TRIGTYPE(FIRST) DEFINE QLOCAL(TRIGGER.Q) TRIGGER TRIGDPTH(1) TRIGTYPE(FIRST) INITQ(TRIGGER.INITIATION.QUEUE) PROCESS(TRIG.PROCESS) ——- Create Process with APPLICID /var/mqm/testscript.sh ie run testscript.sh on triggering DEFINE PROCESS (‘TRIG.PROCESS’) APPLTYPE(UNIX) APPLICID(‘/var/mqm/testscript.sh‘) ——- Run runmqtrm command for the Initiation Queue bash-3.2$ runmqtrm -m QMC01 -q TRIGGER.INITIATION.QUEUE ——- Display QueueDepth before testing to ensure there are no messages in the QUEUE bash-3.2$ echo “DISPLAY QL(TRIGGER.Q) CURDEPTH TRIGGER ” | runmqsc QMC01 | grep CURDEPTH ——- Put Messages using amqsput bash-3.2$/opt/mqm/sampl/bin/amqsput TRIGGER.Q QMC01 ——- On the first message put to the QUEUE the triggering would be fired and and the script testscript.sh is run . view the putty console where runmqtrm is running .. here we will see if the trigger event is run and triggering invoked Also The script.log will let us know if it has run properly and triggering invoked. ——- Display QueueDepth bash-3.2$ echo “DISPLAY QL(TRIGGER.Q) CURDEPTH TRIGGER ” | runmqsc QMC01 | grep CURDEPTH ——- Check the script.log for ensuring the testscript.sh has run properly due to triggering bash-3.2$tail -f /var/mqm/script.log |
Example3 :We will Test the Triggering method for EVERY Message instead of the FIRST message entering the Trigger queue
——- Create a script when run will browse the message using amqsgbr and redirect to a script.log bash-3.2$ vi /var/mqm/testscript.sh ############################ echo `date` >> /var/mqm/script.log /opt/mqm/samp/bin/amqsgbr TRIGGER.Q QMC01 | grep “[1-9] <” >> /var/mqm/script.log echo “==========================” >> /var/mqm/script.log ############################——- Make the script executable bash-3.2$ chmod 755 /var/mqm/testscript.sh——- Start Queue Manager bash-3.2$ strmqm QMC01 bash-3.2$ runmqsc QMC01——- Create an Initiation Queue DEFINE QL(TRIGGER.INITIATION.QUEUE) like SYSTEM.DEFAULT.INITIATION.QUEUE ——- Create Process with APPLICID /var/mqm/testscript.sh ie run testscript.sh on triggering DEFINE PROCESS (‘TRIG.PROCESS’) APPLTYPE(UNIX) APPLICID(‘/var/mqm/testscript.sh‘) ——- Create a Local Queue where Triggering is enabled with TRIGTYPE(EVERY) ALTER QLOCAL(TRIGGER.Q) TRIGGER TRIGDPTH(1) TRIGTYPE(EVERY) INITQ(TRIGGER.INITIATION.QUEUE) PROCESS(TRIG.PROCESS) ——- Run runmqtrm command for the Initiation Queue bash-3.2$ runmqtrm -m QMC01 -q TRIGGER.INITIATION.QUEUE ——- Display QueueDepth before testing to ensure there are no messages in the QUEUE bash-3.2$ echo “DISPLAY QL(TRIGGER.Q) CURDEPTH TRIGGER ” | runmqsc QMC01 | grep CURDEPTH ——- Put Messages using amqsput , Put 3 messages to test /opt/mqm/sampl/bin/amqsput TRIGGER.Q QMC01 ——- For every Message put in the Queue TRIGGER.Q , a trigger event would start and the script would run 3 times and the output captured in script.log . View the putty console where runmqtrm is running .. here we will see if the trigger event is run and triggering invoked ——- Display QueueDepth before testing to ensure there are no messages in the QUEUE bash-3.2$ echo “DISPLAY QL(TRIGGER.Q) CURDEPTH TRIGGER ” | runmqsc QMC01 | grep CURDEPTH ——- Check the script.log for ensuring the testscript.sh has run properly due to triggering bash-3.2$tail -f /var/mqm/script.log |
Example4 :We will test the triggering for the Depth of the Queue ie when the QUEUE Depth reaches the defined setting a triggering should be fired
——- Create a script when run will browse the message using amqsgbr and redirect to a script.log bash-3.2$ vi /var/mqm/testscript.sh ############################ echo `date` >> /var/mqm/script.log /opt/mqm/samp/bin/amqsgbr TRIGGER.Q QMC01 | grep “[1-9] <” >> /var/mqm/script.log echo “==========================” >> /var/mqm/script.log ############################ ——- Make the script executable bash-3.2$ chmod 755 /var/mqm/testscript.sh ——- Start Queue Manager bash-3.2$ strmqm QMC01 bash-3.2$ runmqsc QMC01——- Create an Initiation Queue DEFINE QL(TRIGGER.INITIATION.QUEUE) like SYSTEM.DEFAULT.INITIATION.QUEUE ——- Create Process with APPLICID /var/mqm/testscript.sh ie run testscript.sh on triggering DEFINE PROCESS (‘TRIG.PROCESS’) APPLTYPE(UNIX) APPLICID(‘/var/mqm/testscript.sh‘) ——- Create a Local Queue where Triggering is enabled ALTER QLOCAL(TRIGGER.Q) TRIGGER TRIGDPTH(3) TRIGTYPE(DEPTH) INITQ(TRIGGER.INITIATION.QUEUE) PROCESS(TRIG.PROCESS) ——- Run runmqtrm command for the Initiation Queue bash-3.2$ runmqtrm -m QMC01 -q TRIGGER.INITIATION.QUEUE ——- Display QueueDepth before testing to ensure there are no messages in the QUEUE bash-3.2$ echo “DISPLAY QL(TRIGGER.Q) CURDEPTH TRIGGER ” | runmqsc QMC01 | grep CURDEPTH ——- Put 3 Messages in the TRIGGER.Q using amqsput /opt/mqm/sampl/bin/amqsput TRIGGER.Q QMC01 ——- Display QueueDepth before testing to ensure there are no messages in the QUEUE bash-3.2$ echo “DISPLAY QL(TRIGGER.Q) CURDEPTH TRIGGER ” | runmqsc QMC01 | grep CURDEPTH ——- Only onces the Depth of the QUEUE has reached to the TRIGDPTH ie “3” messages the triggering will be invoked. It can be seen from the putty console of “runmqtrm” and also visible from the /var/mqm/script.log the triggering result ——- Check the script.log for ensuring the testscript.sh has run properly due to queue depth triggering bash-3.2$tail -f /var/mqm/script.log ——- After the triggering is fired the Triggering for the QUEUE “TRIGGER.Q” in the Example , It gets disabled .. ——- It needs to be Re-Enabled using below command or use MQSET to renable the TRIGERR from the Application. ——- So for every time trigger is invoked due to QUEUE DEPTH ( TRIGDPTH ) the Triggering needs to be enabled again ——- Reenable the Triggering for the TRIGGER.Q bash-3.2$ echo “ALTER QLOCAL(TRIGGER.Q) TRIGGER ” | runmqsc QMC01 |
Example4 :Runmqtrm as a SERVICE
——- Start Queue Manager bash-3.2$ strmqm QMC01 bash-3.2$ runmqsc QMC01 ——- Define Service for TRIGGER Monitor DEFINE SERVICE(TRIGMON) CONTROL(QMGR) SERVTYPE(SERVER) + STARTCMD(‘+MQ_INSTALL_PATH+bin/runmqtrm’) + STARTARG(‘-m +QMNAME+ -q SYSTEM.DEFAULT.INITIATION.QUEUE’) + STOPCMD(‘+MQ_INSTALL_PATH+bin/amqsstop’) + STOPARG(‘-m +QMNAME+ -p +MQ_SERVER_PID+’) STDOUT(‘/tmp/TrigMon.stdout’) + STDERR(‘/tmp/TrigMon.stderr’) ——- Start the Service START SERVICE(TRIGMON) ——- View the Services attributes DISPLAY SVSTATUS(TRIGMON) ——- Triggering Std Out and Error bash-3.2$ ls -lt /tmp/Trig* -rw-r–r– 1 mqm mqm 239 2014-03-20 13:18 /tmp/TrigMon.stdout -rw-r–r– 1 mqm mqm 0 2014-03-20 13:18 /tmp/TrigMon.stderr |
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