The MQ Appliance adds a new simpler way to start collecting
this trace information. It also gives you new ways to narrow down what
you actually trace.
Application activity trace has been available on the
distributed MQ platforms since version 7.1 and is a mechanism that
allows you to track exactly what an application is doing when it comes
to its MQ operations. So it'll show you how they connect, what queues or
topics they open and then the messages they put and get. An excellent
way to diagnose a wide variety of problems.
If you're already familiar with activity trace you'll know
that you can enable it in a number of ways and once it's collecting
trace it'll write all the trace data as a series of messages to the SYST EM.A DMIN .TRA CE.A CTIV ITY. QUEU E
of the queue manager. There are multiple ways to enable activity trace,
it's either through turning trace on for all applications by using the
queue manager attribute ACTVTRC, or through writing rules in the queue
manager's mqat.ini file or even by programmatically enabling it with a
connect option. The most useful is probably the rules in mqat.ini as
they allow you to scope trace down to certain named applications in a
pretty dynamic way but it does require direct access to the machine to
modify the mqat.ini file, which is not something that you can do with
the MQ Appliance. So as I said, instead of writing rules in mqat.ini
there's a new way to enable trace, and this is even more dynamic and
more versatile in scoping what is traced than the mqat.ini rules. It
also overcomes the limitation of having all trace data go to that single
SYST EM.A DMIN .TRA CE.A CTIV ITY. QUEU E that the existing ways have.
The MQ Appliance supports a new set of system topic strings. These all start "$SYS/MQ".
And one of the reasons for these is that when you subscribe to topic
strings under a special branch of those topics you will start to receive
application activity trace for the thing you've just subscribed to. And
as with all subscriptions, the messages will be sent direct to your
subscription's queue. And then when you delete the subscription the
tracing will automatically stop. And none of this requires queue manager
or application changes at all to turn it on and off, the existence (or
not) of the subscriptions to these special topic strings is enough. The
other benefit is that you can have multiple subscriptions to the same
applications and they each receive their own copy of the data.
The topic strings for activity trace all start with the following:
$SYS /MQ/ INFO /QMG R /gr name> /ActivityTrace
(Where is obviously the name of your queue manager)
I also mentioned news scopes of tracing, not just be
application name. So you then have three options of what to match
against, you either trace based on an application's name, a channel name
or an MQ connection's unique Id. So for example...
mgr name>/Ac tivi tyTr ace/ Appl Name /amq sput c.ex e
$SYS/MQ/ INFO /QMG R/ mgr name>/Ac tivi tyTr ace/ Chan nelN ame/ SYST EM.D EF.S VRCO NN
$SYS/MQ/ INFO /QMG R/ mgr name>/Ac tivi tyTr ace/ Conn ecti onId /414 D514 3514 D475 2312 0202 0202 0202 06B5 76B5 4200 0070 1
The ApplName method is the same as you
have with the existing mqat.ini rules on the other platforms, so you
simply add the trailing part (following the last slash) of what you'd
see in the APPLTAG of the connection, or the PutApplName of the MQMD.
The ChannelName is new to activity trace,
it means you can use it to trace everything going on or coming off a
sender or receiver channel between two queue managers. You can also use
it to see what client applications are doing over a particular SVRCONN
channel, in which case you'll see all the MQI calls, not just the
messages flowing.
And finally there's ConnectionId. This one
allows you to target a specific MQ connection. So if you've identified
an existing connection to a queue manager that you want to investigate
further you can provide its unique Id and you'll start to receive
details of what's going on on that connection. In case you're wondering,
you build that unique Id by concatenating the EXTCONN and CONN values
returned from DISPLAY CONN in runmqsc.
As we're simply using the existence of the subscription to
start and stop generating the trace data then you obviously have various
options for how you use this, for example you could administratively
define a subscription to gather the trace for a prolonged period of
time, and you post-process the data generated and sent to the
subscription queue. Alternatively you could use the sample we provide in
the client download, amqsactc, to dynamically enable trace for
the duration that it is running. It does this through creating a
non-durable subscription, which enables the trace, formatting the
published data that arrives on the subscription queue direct to the
screen, and turning trace back off again when the application stops by
it simply deleting the subscription (as it's non-durable killing the
sample has the same effect).
To make that easy we've extended the sample to allow you to
say what you want to trace, by application name (-a), channel name (-c)
or connection Id (-i), without needing to remember those long topic
amqsactc -m QMGR1 -w 30 -a amqsputc.exe
amqsactc -m QMGR1 -w 60 -c SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN
amqsactc -m QMGR1 -w 600 -i 414D 5143 514D 4752 3120 2020 2020 2020 6B57 6B54 2000 070 1
amqsactc -m QMGR1 -w 60 -c SYSTEM.DEF.SVRCONN
amqsactc -m QMGR1 -w 600 -i 414D
(And for the keen eyed, the "-w" tells amqsactc to run for a
number of seconds and then stop which is necessary when running in this
'live' trace mode as you'll need to be collecting trace for a period of
You'll find more documentation on application activity trace here and information of these new special system topic strings here. So if you get your hands on an appliance, take a look at this feature.
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