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IBM WebSphere Message Broker Toolkit commands - Middleware News

WebSphere Message Broker Toolkit commands

Command nameTopic reference
mqsiapplybaroverridemqsiapplybaroverride command
mqsicreatebarmqsicreatebar command
mqsicreatemsgdefsmqsicreatemsgdefs command
mqsicreatemsgdefsfromwsdlmqsicreatemsgdefsfromwsdl command
mqsireadbarmqsireadbar command

WebSphere Message Broker commands

Table 1. Broker commands
Command nameTopic reference
mqsiaddbrokerinstancemqsiaddbrokerinstance command
mqsiapplybaroverridemqsiapplybaroverride command
mqsibackupbrokermqsibackupbroker command
mqsichangebrokermqsichangebroker command
mqsicreatebrokermqsicreatebroker command
mqsicreateexecutiongroupmqsicreateexecutiongroup command
mqsideletebrokermqsideletebroker command
mqsideleteexecutiongroupmqsideleteexecutiongroup command
mqsimodemqsimode command
mqsireadbarmqsireadbar command
mqsireloadmqsireload command
mqsiremovebrokerinstancemqsiremovebrokerinstance command
mqsireportbrokermqsireportbroker command
mqsirestorebrokermqsirestorebroker command
Table 2. Database commands
Command nameTopic reference
mqsimanagexalinksmqsimanagexalinks command
mqsisetdbparmsmqsisetdbparms command
mqsireportdbparmsmqsireportdbparms command
Table 3. Security commands
Command nameTopic reference
mqsireloadsecuritymqsireloadsecurity command
mqsisetdbparmsmqsisetdbparms command
mqsisetsecuritymqsisetsecurity command
mqsiwebuseradminmqsiwebuseradmin command
Table 4. Start and stop commands
Command nameTopic reference
mqsistartmqsistart command
mqsistartmsgflowmqsistartmsgflow command
mqsistopmqsistop command
mqsistopmsgflowmqsistopmsgflow command
Table 5. List and trace commands
Command nameTopic reference
mqsichangetracemqsichangetrace command
mqsiformatlogmqsiformatlog command
mqsilistmqsilist command
mqsireadlogmqsireadlog command
mqsireporttracemqsireporttrace command
Table 6. Migration commands
Command nameTopic reference
mqsimigratecomponentsmqsimigratecomponents command
Table 7. Properties commands
Command nameTopic reference
mqsichangepropertiesmqsichangeproperties command
mqsireportpropertiesmqsireportproperties command
Table 8. Monitoring commands
Command nameTopic reference
mqsichangeflowmonitoringmqsichangeflowmonitoring command
mqsireportflowmonitoringmqsireportflowmonitoring command
Table 9. Statistics commands
Command nameTopic reference
mqsichangeflowstatsmqsichangeflowstats command
mqsichangeresourcestatsmqsichangeresourcestats command
mqsireportflowstatsmqsireportflowstats command
mqsireportresourcestatsmqsireportresourcestats command
Table 10. Miscellaneous commands
Command nameTopic reference
mqsiAssemblyInstallmqsiAssemblyInstall command
mqsicacheadminmqsicacheadmin command
mqsichangeflowuserexitsmqsichangeflowuserexits command
mqsicommandconsolemqsicommandconsole command
mqsicreateconfigurableservicemqsicreateconfigurableservice command
mqsicvpmqsicvp command
mqsideleteconfigurableservicemqsideleteconfigurableservice command
mqsideploymqsideploy command
mqsiexplainmqsiexplain command
mqsipackagebarmqsipackagebar command
mqsireportflowuserexitsmqsireportflowuserexits command

Summary of commands on LinuxUNIXWindows, and z/OS systems

The following table summarizes the runtime commands that are available on LinuxUNIX, and Windows systems, and provides the z/OS equivalent, where it is available.
Command on Windows platforms, Linux, andUNIX systemsz/OS equivalent: typez/OS equivalentz/OS References
mqsiapplybaroverrideUtility JCLBIPOBARContents of the broker PDSE
mqsibackupbrokerUtility JCLBIPBUBKContents of the broker PDSE
mqsicacheadminUtility JCLBIPCCADContents of the broker PDSE
  1. Console command: modify
  2. Utility JCL
  1. changebroker
  1. mqsichangebroker command
  2. Contents of the broker PDSE
  1. Console command: modify
  2. Utility JCL
  1. changeflowmonitoring
  1. mqsichangeflowmonitoring command
  2. Contents of the broker PDSE
  1. Console command: modify
  2. Utility JCL
  1. changeflowstats
  1. mqsichangeflowstats command
  2. Contents of the broker PDSE
  1. Console command: modify
  2. Utility JCL
  1. changeflowuserexits
  1. mqsichangeflowuserexits command
  2. Contents of the broker PDSE
mqsichangepropertiesUtility JCLBIPCHPRContents of the broker PDSE
mqsichangeresourcestatsUtility JCLBIPCHRSmqsichangeresourcestats command
mqsichangetraceConsole command: modifychangetracemqsichangetrace command
mqsicreatebrokerUtility JCLBIPCRBKContents of the broker PDSE
mqsicreateconfigurableserviceUtility JCLBIPJADPRContents of the broker PDSE
mqsicreateexecutiongroupUtility JCLBIPCREGContents of the broker PDSE
mqsicvpNot applicable
mqsideletebrokerUtility JCLBIPDLBKContents of the broker PDSE
mqsideleteconfigurableserviceUtility JCLBIPJADPRContents of the broker PDSE
mqsideleteexecutiongroupUtility JCLBIPDLEGContents of the broker PDSE
  1. Console command: modify
  2. Utility JCL
  1. deploy
  1. mqsideploy command
  2. Contents of the broker PDSE
mqsiexplainUtility JCLBIPEXPLContents of the broker PDSE
mqsiformatlogUtility JCLBIPFMLGContents of the broker PDSE
  1. Console command: modify
  2. Utility JCL
  1. list
  1. mqsilist command
  2. Contents of the broker PDSE
mqsimanagexalinksNot applicable
mqsimigratecomponentsUtility JCLBIPMGCMPmqsimigratecomponents command
mqsimodeUtility JCLBIPMODEContents of the broker PDSE
mqsipackagebarUtility JCLBIPPACKContents of the broker PDSE
mqsireadbarUtility JCLBIPRBARContents of the broker PDSE
mqsireadlogUtility JCLBIPRELGContents of the broker PDSE
mqsireloadConsole command: modifyreloadmqsireload command
  1. Console command: modify
  2. Utility JCL
  1. reloadsecurity
  1. mqsireloadsecurity command
  2. Contents of the broker PDSE
mqsireportbrokerUtility JCLBIPRPBKContents of the broker PDSE
  1. Console command: modify
  2. Utility JCL
  1. reportflowmonitoring
  1. mqsireportflowmonitoring command
  2. Contents of the broker PDSE
  1. Console command: modify
  2. Utility JCL
  1. reportflowstats
  1. mqsireportflowstats command
  2. Contents of the broker PDSE
  1. Console command: modify
  2. Utility JCL
  1. reportflowuserexits
  1. mqsireportflowuserexits command
  2. Contents of the broker PDSE
mqsireportpropertiesUtility JCLBIPRPPRContents of the broker PDSE
mqsireportresourcestatsUtility JCLBIPRPRSmqsireportresourcestats command
mqsireporttraceConsole command: modifyreporttracemqsireporttrace command
mqsirestorebrokerUtility JCLBIPRSBKContents of the broker PDSE
mqsisetdbparmsUtility JCLBIPSDBPmqsisetdbparms command
mqsisetsecurityNot applicable
mqsi_setupdatabaseNot applicable
  1. Console command: start
  2. Console command: modify
  1. Standard MVS™ start command
  2. startcomponent
  1. -
  2. mqsistart command
mqsistartmsgflowUtility JCLBIPSTMFContents of the broker PDSE
  1. Console command: stop
  2. Console command: modify
  1. Standard MVS stop command
  2. 'p' stopcomponent
  1. -
  2. mqsistop command
mqsistopmsgflowUtility JCLBIPSPMFContents of the broker PDSE
  1. Console command: modify
  2. Utility JCL
  1. webuseradmin
  1. mqsiwebuseradmin command
  2. Contents of the broker PDSE



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