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Installing IBM Integration Bus on Linux - Middleware News

Before you begin

  • Check the readme.html file for any updates to these installation instructions; see the product readmes web page.
  • Check that you have enough memory and disk space; see IBM Integration Bus system requirements.
  • Check that you have completed any prerequisite steps; see Preparing the system.
  • If you are using Red Hat Linux 6.5 with WebKitGTK version webkitgtk.x86_64 1.2.6-5.el6, complete the steps in the following topic to work around problems with the Eclipse SWT browser: IBM Integration Toolkit on RedHat 6.5 crashes with "JVM terminated. Exit code=160" error.
  • If you are using Red Hat Linux 6.x or 7.x, you might need the GTK2 32-bit drivers installed on Linux; for more information, see IBM Integration Toolkit on Linux becomes unresponsive after opening a DFDL or XSD file.
  • If you are using Red Hat Linux 7.1, complete the steps in the following topic to work around problems with the Eclipse SWT browser: Internal web browser in IBM Integration Toolkit does not work on Red Hat 7.1.

About this task

As a user without administrative rights, you can create a single-user installation of IBM Integration Bus in your home directory. This single-user installation is then accessible only by your user ID.
As a user with administrative rights, you can create a shared installation of IBM Integration Bus. To authorize any users of the computer to access the shared installation of IBM Integration Bus, add the users to the mqbrkrs group by using the security facilities that are provided by your operating system.
If you deploy IBM Integration Bus for a single user, you can convert the deployment to a shared installation later, see Converting from a single-user installation of IBM Integration Bus to a shared installation of IBM Integration Bus.

Installing the software


To install IBM Integration Bus, complete the following steps:
  1. Log in to the system where you are installing IBM Integration Bus.
    • If you are deploying a single-user installation, log in with your personal user ID.
    • If you are deploying a shared installation, log in as root or as a super user who has write access to the /var directory.
  2. Unpack the installation image by completing the following steps:
    1. Create or navigate to a directory where you have write access. For example, $HOME for a single-user installation, or /opt/IBM for a shared installation.
    2. Run the following command to unpack the installation image:
      tar -xzvf iib-10.0.0.n.tar.gz
      Note: On all Linux systems, except for Linux on IBM z Systems and Linux on POWER®, the installation includes the IBM Integration Toolkit. If you do not want to install the IBM Integration Toolkit, you can run the following command instead:
      tar -xzvf iib-10.0.0.n.tar.gz --exclude iib-10.0.0.n/tools
  3. Accept the IBM Integration Bus license by completing the following steps:
    1. Navigate to the installation directory. For example, install_dir/iib-10.0.0.n where install_dir is the directory where you unpacked the installation image.
    2. Type one of the following commands:
      • For a single-user installation:
        • ./iib accept license. If you use this command, you are prompted to accept the license.
        • ./iib accept license silently. If you use this command, the license is accepted even though the license dialog is not displayed.
        The following directory is created: $HOME/iibconfig. This directory is the work path for IBM Integration Bus, and stores the IBM Integration Bus configuration files.
      • For a shared installation:
        • ./iib make registry global accept license. If you use this command, you are prompted to accept the license.
        • ./iib make registry global accept license silently. If you use this command, the license dialog is suppressed and the license is automatically accepted.
        The following directory is created: /var/mqsi. This directory is the work path for IBM Integration Bus, and stores the IBM Integration Bus configuration files.
  4. Optional: If you installed a shared installation of IBM Integration Bus, grant users access to the installation by adding them to the mqbrkrs user group.
    Note: On Linux, the user ID that installed IBM Integration Bus is not automatically added to the mqbrkrs group. If you want to use this user ID with IBM Integration Bus, you must add the user ID to the mqbrkrs group.
[root@localhost iib-]# ./iib make registry global accept license
International License Agreement for Non-Warranted Programs

Part 1 - General Terms




Press Enter to continue viewing the license agreement, or
enter "1" to accept the agreement, "2" to decline it, "3"
to print it, "4" to read non-IBM terms, or "99" to go back
to the previous screen.
License accepted
Group 'mqbrkrs' will be created
[root@localhost iib-]#

Verifying the installation


To start the IBM Integration Toolkit and verify your installation, complete the following steps:
Note: If you did not install the IBM Integration Toolkit on this computer, you can use the iib verify all command instead; see iib command.

  1. Start the IBM Integration Toolkit by running the following command from the installation directory:
    ./iib toolkit
    The first time that you start IBM Integration Toolkit, the following entities are created:
    • A directory: $HOME/IBM/IIBT10/workspace, which is used as the IBM Integration Toolkit workspace directory. You can change the location of the workspace directory by clicking File > Switch Workspace > Other from the IBM Integration Toolkit menu.
    • An integration node: TESTNODE_user_name where user_name is the name of the ID that you used to log in. If you do not want to keep this default integration node, see Preventing the creation of the default integration node.
    • An integration server: default.
    The Welcome page for the IBM Integration Toolkit is displayed.
  2. Close the Welcome page to display the Integration Development perspective of the IBM Integration Toolkit. The TESTNODE_user_name integration node and default integration server are started and they are displayed in the Integration Nodes pane.
  3. Optional: You can verify the version of all the components you installed by running ./iib version from the installation directory. The details of the product components are displayed. For example:
    Version:       10000
    Product:       IBM Integration Bus
    Build Number:  221
    IB Level:      ib000-L140528.221_P
    Server level:  S000-L140527.2
    Toolkit level:   20140526-1900
    For information about the iib command, see iib command.
[root@localhost iib-]# ./iib verify all
Verifying checksums of files in installation, this may take a few minutes ...
All of the file checksums are as expected
Create a node using:
mqsicreatebroker VERIFY1164
BIP8071I: Successful command completion.

Verify the node using:
mqsicvp VERIFY1164
BIP8873I: Starting the component verification for component 'VERIFY1164'.
BIP8876I: Starting the environment verification for component 'VERIFY1164'.
BIP8894I: Verification passed for 'Registry'.
BIP8894I: Verification passed for 'MQSI_REGISTRY'.
BIP8894I: Verification passed for 'Java Version - 1.7.0 IBM Linux build pxa6470_27sr3fp40-20160422_01(SR3 FP40)
BIP8894I: Verification passed for 'MQSI_FILEPATH'.
BIP8878I: The environment verification for component 'VERIFY1164' has finished successfully.
BIP8882I: Starting the WebSphere MQ verification for component 'VERIFY1164'.
BIP8294I: ODBC environment verification was skipped because the ODBCINI environment variable is not set.
BIP8874I: The component verification for 'VERIFY1164' has finished successfully.
BIP8071I: Successful command completion.

Set the web admin port on the node using:
mqsichangeproperties VERIFY1164 -b webadmin -o HTTPConnector -n port -v 4429
BIP8071I: Successful command completion.

Start the node using:
mqsistart VERIFY1164
BIP8096I: Successful command initiation, check the system log to ensure that the component started without problem and that it continues to run without problem.

List all nodes using:
BIP1325I: Integration node 'VERIFY1164' with administration URI 'http://localhost.localdomain:4429' is running.
BIP8071I: Successful command completion.

Create a server on the node using:
mqsicreateexecutiongroup VERIFY1164 -e default -w 90
BIP1124I: Creating integration server 'default' on integration node 'VERIFY1164'...
BIP1117I: The integration server was created successfully.

The integration node has initialized the integration server.
BIP8071I: Successful command completion.

List the server status using:
mqsilist VERIFY1164
BIP1286I: Integration server 'default' on integration node 'VERIFY1164' is running.
BIP8071I: Successful command completion.

Stop the node using:
mqsistop VERIFY1164
BIP8071I: Successful command completion.

Delete the node using:
mqsideletebroker VERIFY1164
BIP8071I: Successful command completion.

[root@localhost iib-]#

You installed and started IBM Integration Bus. If you experienced problems during installation, see Resolving problems when you install IBM Integration Bus.

What to do next

When you have completed the installation, see the following topics:
  • Configuring your integration nodes to conform to your license
  • Installing language packs for the IBM Integration Toolkit
Note: In IBM Integration Bus Version 10.0, you do not need to install the IBM Integration ODBC Database Extender program to use database nodes in your applications. The program code is installed as part of the IBM Integration Bus installation.

Setting up a command environment

Check whether the following conditions apply to your environment:
  • If you have a previous version of IBM® Integration Bus on this system, then ensure that you run the correct profile before you use Version 10.0. The mqsiprofile command places the Version 10.0 commands and libraries at the front of your search path, and can override any combination of PATH, CLASSPATH, or library PATH.
  • If you use the same user ID, and you run multiple profiles (from multiple different installations or versions), you might get unexpected results. Log off and log on again before you run the specific profile that you require.
  • If you are using Linux or UNIX, then ODBC settings on Linux and UNIX systems are found in a text file that is defined by the ODBCINI environment variable. Set ODBCINI to point to a copy of the sample file install_dir/server/ODBC/unixodbc/odbc.ini, where install_dir is the IBM Integration Bus installation directory.
    You can check that your ODBC environment is configured correctly by running the mqsicvp command. This command also validates the connection to all data sources (listed in the odbc.ini file) that are associated with an integration node by using the mqsisetdbparms command. For more information, see mqsicvp command.

About this task

The following steps explain how to initialize your command environment by running the mqsiprofile command.
If required, you can perform the following customizations before you run the command:
  • Extend the initialization that is performed by this profile; for example, for databases, or for other products that you want to use within the integration node; see Running database setup scripts.
  • On Linux and UNIX, if you want to use WebSphere® MQ features, then you must set the WebSphere MQ environment where you want the integration node to run; see Setting the WebSphere MQ environment on Linux and UNIX.
  • Configure a different command environment for a specific integration node or integration server; see Creating a specific command environment for an integration node or an integration server.
Ensure that you use this environment each time you run an administrative command, or start an integration node.
  • On Windows 7 and Windows 2008:
    • Open a command console by clicking Start > All Programs > IBM Integration Bus 10.0.0.n > IBM Integration Console 10.0.0.n.
  • On Windows 8 and Windows 2012:
    • Open a command console by searching for IBM Integration Console. If you have multiple installations of IBM Integration Bus, make sure that you are running the IBM Integration Console from the build of the IBM Integration Bus installation that you want to administer.
  • On Linux or UNIX systems: Locate and run the script in the directory in which you installed the appropriate product.
    . install_dir/server/bin/mqsiprofile
    You must include the period and space for this command to work correctly. Add this command to your login profile if you want it to be run at the start of every session.
    If you use the zsh shell, then running the mqsiprofile might cause the terminal session to exit. To resolve this issue, run the unsetopt function_argzero command before you run the mqsiprofile command.
This command also runs any additional scripts that you copied to the common\profiles directory (on Windows) or the common/profiles directory (on Linux or UNIX systems), so that the environment is initialized for runtime components and other resources such as databases.

[root@localhost iib-]# su - mqbrkrs
Last login: Fri Oct 28 08:08:34 PDT 2016 on pts/0

[mqbrkrs@localhost ~]$ . /opt/IBM/iib-

[mqbrkrs@localhost ~]$ mqsicreatebroker BRK10
BIP8071I: Successful command completion.
[mqbrkrs@localhost ~]$

[mqbrkrs@localhost ~]$ mqsistart BRK10
BIP8096I: Successful command initiation, check the system log to ensure that the component started without problem and that it continues to run without problem.

[mqbrkrs@localhost ~]$ mqsilist
BIP1325I: Integration node 'BRK10' with administration URI 'http://localhost.localdomain:4414' is running.
BIP8071I: Successful command completion.
[mqbrkrs@localhost ~]$

[mqbrkrs@localhost ~]$ mqsilist BRK10
BIP1282I: No integration servers have been defined on integration node 'BRK10'.
BIP8071I: Successful command completion.

[mqbrkrs@localhost ~]$ mqsicvp BRK10
BIP8873I: Starting the component verification for component 'BRK10'.
BIP8876I: Starting the environment verification for component 'BRK10'.
BIP8894I: Verification passed for 'Registry'.
BIP8894I: Verification passed for 'MQSI_REGISTRY'.
BIP8894I: Verification passed for 'Java Version - 1.7.0 IBM Linux build pxa6470_27sr3fp40-20160422_01(SR3 FP40)
BIP8894I: Verification passed for 'MQSI_FILEPATH'.
BIP8878I: The environment verification for component 'BRK10' has finished successfully.
BIP8882I: Starting the WebSphere MQ verification for component 'BRK10'.
BIP8294I: ODBC environment verification was skipped because the ODBCINI environment variable is not set.
BIP8874I: The component verification for 'BRK10' has finished successfully.
BIP8071I: Successful command completion.
[mqbrkrs@localhost ~]$

iib command:

Command Description Available on Windows? Available on Linux? Available on UNIX systems?
iib accept license
iib accept license silently
Starts the license acceptance process for IBM Integration Bus. If you use the command followed by the silently option, then the license is accepted even though the license dialog is not displayed. No Yes Yes
iib make registry global Converts from a single-user installation of IBM Integration Bus to a shared installation of IBM Integration Bus. /var/mqsi is created as the new IBM Integration Bus work path directory. No Yes Yes
iib help Displays help about the iib command. Yes Yes Yes
iib toolkit
iib tools
Starts the IBM Integration Toolkit. Yes Yes No
iib toolkit without testnode
iib tools without testnode
Starts the IBM Integration Toolkit, but does not create the default integration node. If the default integration node (TESTNODE_user_name) already exists, the integration node is not started. Yes Yes No
iib verify
iib verify install
Verifies the checksum of each installed file in the IBM Integration Bus installation. No Yes Yes
iib verify node Verifies that integration nodes and integration servers can be created. The following tasks are completed:
  1. An integration node and integration server are created and started.
  2. Information about the integration node and integration server is displayed.
  3. The integration node and integration server are stopped and deleted.
Yes Yes Yes
iib verify all Validates the integrity and operation of the IBM Integration Bus installation. The following tasks are completed:
  1. The checksum of each installed file is verified.
  2. An integration node and integration server are created and started.
  3. Information about the integration node and integration server is displayed.
  4. The integration node and integration server are stopped and deleted.
No Yes Yes
iib version Displays the version level of all the build components in the IBM Integration Bus installation. Yes Yes Yes
All other commands are prefixed with mqsi. For details of all the commands, see Commands.
Note: When you run the iib commands on the command line or from a script, a banner is included in the system output:
If you want to suppress the banner, type one of the following commands on the command line, or add the following command as the first line of your script:
  • On Windows:
  • On Linux and UNIX systems:


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